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Famous Sealyham Terriers

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Tags: Sealyham Terrier, Famous

Maltese Puppies For Sale In Queens, N…


$950+ to 1550+ & UP

Bayside, Queens, NY, NY


Call it vanity or pride, any dog lover would like to own a dog that shares the same breed as dogs that are popular, especially those owned by celebrities. These dog lovers would go to such lengths to get the same kind of dog that was owned by this or that actor or actress or any other kind of celebrity. In fact, most of these dog lovers would pay just about any price for such kind of dog. Sometimes, it doesn't even matter to these dog owners if the dog's temperament will fit their own or not, as long as they are getting a dog that is famous or belongs to a famous breed. They would even go to the extent of getting dog sitters as well as trainers for these dogs if they are unable to take care of and train the dogs themselves. Nothing is too famous for these dog owners because for them, the popularity of their dogs would also mean the same for them.

As such, there are really dogs that stand out from the rest of its breed. This is probably because they earned championship titles for a number of years or have been noted to be owned by popular people. If they are not the famous dogs themselves, dogs of their breed are sure enough to get the same attention as they did. One of these dog breeds that had its share of the limelight is the Sealyham Terrier. The breed was very much known in the 1920s and 1930s. They had such celebrity owners as Cary Grant, Richard Burton, Gary Cooper, Humphrey Bogart and Alfred Hitchcock.

Alfred Hitchcock had his Sealyham Terriers appear on his films. In his film Suspicion in 1941, one of his Sealyhams made an appearance. In his 1963 movie The Birds, his two Sealyham Terriers, Geoffrey and Stanley, were also said to have appeared with him. It was a cameo appearance in the beginning of the movie where Hitchcock is seen walking the two Sealyhams out of a shop as Tippi Hedren walks in. Hitchcock is also said to have had a third Sealyham that went by the name of Mr. Jenkins.

There was also another famous Sealyham Terrier that was immortalized in the pages of a book. This was Jennie, which was the pet of author Maurice Sendak. Jennie was featured in Sendak's book Higglety Pigglety Pop.

The popularity of the Sealyham Terrier makes the dog breed one of the most sought after breeds these days. Getting one also comes with a great cost. In the United States, there are less than 75 new Sealyham Terrier puppies registered per year, and breeders charge at least $1000 for a pup.

So, if you are one of those dog lovers who would give anything to buy a dog that comes from the line of a famous breed, then getting a Sealyham Terrier could just make your day. This dog breed has enough popularity up its sleeve that you could make a scrapbook for it just as soon as you get it.

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