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Reproductions Restrictions On The French Bulldog

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Tags: French Bulldog, Breeding

Standard Poodle Puppies For Sale


Hamilton, OH

Standard Poodle

The French Bulldog is not a dog that comes with no strings attached. This is a breed that is expensive to buy and to keep, a dog with a good potential for future health issues that will require excellent veterinary care, increasing the cost of maintaining these dogs even as pets. Many times, owners will consider breeding their French Bulldog either in an attempt to make some profit with their dog, or to proliferate the breed.

Breeding a French Bulldog, however, is no simple task. Before the issue receives any serious consideration, it is imperative that French Bulldog owners learn everything that is involved in breeding a French Bulldog. This includes learning how to choose healthy and breed-worthy mates, how to select only positive traits, and how to avoid diminishing the breed by passing on contra-indicted health problems. Furthermore, since this is a breed with a smaller overall population, the likelihood of in-breeding related dogs is greater; it is of critical importance that French Bulldog breeders thoroughly research lineage prior to mating dogs.

Given all of these intricacies, the first-time French Bulldog breeder would never want to go it alone; anyone interested in becoming a responsible French Bulldog breeder will need to locate another experienced breeder, that will serve as a mentor and guide them through the process. For obvious reasons, it will take time to locate and build a relationship with such a person, and this time and effort must be planned for.

There are other considerations involved in breeding French Bulldogs, too. It may be that your animal is not even rightfully allowed to be bred according to Kennel Club standards and before you attempt to breed your dog you'll need to find out if your dog is in any way restricted.

French Bulldogs And Breed Restrictions

The primary breeding restriction on the French Bulldog applies to the animals that are considered inadequate as show stock (because they do not meet Club standards) and so are sold as pet-stock or companion animals. According to breed requirements, these dogs are not to be bred and are required to be rendered incapable of reproducing through spaying and neutering.

Reputable breeders will make breeding restrictions on specific animals clear at the point of purchase (actually, before). Dogs that are of neutering age will often be altered before they leave the breeder. For those that are not yet old enough (under 6 months), breeders will often require proof of alteration within a given time-frame.

Restrictions may apply to French Bulldogs of show quality as well; by some regulations, show dogs may be required to achieve a Champion designation before they can be rightfully bred.

Any restrictions on breeding either a companion or show quality French Bulldog should be made very clear at the very first inquiries and viewings. A reputable breeder will not mislead you into thinking you are purchasing a dog that is a candidate for breeding, especially because their own reputation hinges on their devoted support to the betterment of the breed. Whenever you buy a new French Bulldog, whether a puppy or an adult, breeding restrictions should always be part of the conversation.

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Reproductions Restrictions On The French Bulldog
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