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Grooming the Puli, Myth versus Fact

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Tags: Puli, Grooming

Micro Tiny Babies!!



Pearson, GA


There is, quite unfortunately, a lot of misinformation being spread and, even more unfortunately, practiced, regarding the grooming and proper maintenance of the breed known as Puli. Chief amongst these half-facts and myths is the false belief that the Puli requires little to no grooming in order to maintain a healthy, attractive coat of locks. Nothing could be further from the truth. As anyone who has actually owned or cared for a Puli can tell you, they are in fact, an unusually high maintenance breed when it comes to the matter of grooming, and any mistreatment might just wind up with the dog needing to be completely shorn of their trademark curls. The origin of the low-maintenance myth might have to do with the breed's aesthetic similarity to the dreadlock hairstyle, which is equally misconstrued as requiring little to no maintenance. In fact, Puli owners and Rastafarians alike should be urged to take proper care of that hair.

Regular shampooing is a must. The Puli's heavy locks can trap sweat, dead skin cells and dirt, and give the dog an unpleasant odor if he or she doesn't receive regular bathing. After bathing, it is also an absolute necessity that the Puli is thoroughly dried with a towel. Trying to allow the dog to air dry just isn't sensible. Their locks will trap moisture and this can lead to mildew and unpleasant skin conditions. There is also such a thing as the wrong time to bathe the dog. Should the owner find a tangle or matting, this should be separated before the next bath or it could get even worse, or even unmanageable.

A Puli owner should be especially careful of fleas and ticks. The intricate weave of a Puli's mane makes the breed nearly impossible to rid of a bug problem with mere shampoos or combs. In fact, fleas and ticks are the number one cause of naked, hairless Pulis. A single flea might ruin years of careful growing and grooming in a matter of minutes. It's paramount that you make absolutely certain that your home and any pets you have are absolutely bug free before bringing a Puli into the environment. If you wind up having to leave the dog in someone else's hands, make certain that their home is bug free as well.

Going outdoors, the Puli's hair should be tied up and kept off the ground to avoid collecting dirt. Anyone who's been to a dog show has seen a Puli's coat adorned with red ribbons and bows, well, that's not just for looks. Without them, the owner would be looking at giving their Puli a bath and drying them two or three times every day.

A hundred more pages could be written on the subject and still barely touch the surface. While this article certainly doesn't propose to teach every essential task and technique involved with grooming a Puli, hopefully some of the common misconceptions have been dispelled.

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Grooming the Puli, Myth versus Fact
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