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Can An American Foxhound Live in the City?

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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: American Foxhound, Training, Socialization

Akc Golden Retriever Pups



Patton, MO

Golden Retriever

American foxhounds are very loving, affectionate, energetic family dogs that get along well with children, strangers, and other canine pets but should not be trusted with animals, such as cats, unless you socialize and train them properly. They originally bred the American foxhound for hunting so they have an excellent nose, and boundless energy. The foxhound's bay and bark is melodious, very deep, loud, and carries a long distance. Foxhounds are well suited to country living where they get plenty of exercise and their barking does not annoy the neighbors.

An American foxhound can live in a city or suburban setting but it takes training, space, and behavior modification. Although they are great family members, they are not suited for apartments as they require more space and could bother the neighbors with their barking if left alone inside for an extended period. If you have an American foxhound and are living in the city in a large or even a smaller home, there are several things you can do to keep your dog happy and from becoming a nuisance to you or your neighbors.

When living in the city, it is extremely important that your American foxhound get adequate exercise, playtime, and attention. Dogs that receive sufficient exercise are not as likely to become overweight, develop behavioral problems, or bark excessively to get attention. You should take your high-energy dog for two or three long, brisk walks, jogging, or runs, daily. Spend time with him outside playing ball or hunting for objects you hid. Stimulating your pet mentally as well as physically will keep him from trying to amuse himself by destroying things or getting into trouble. Take your foxhound to a fenced dog park and let him play with some canine "friends" while you supervise. It is not only great exercise for your pet but you get to meet other dog lovers and discuss problems, swap pet stories, or just enjoy the company.

Take your American foxhound to obedience classes for basic training to learn to respond to commands such as stay, sit, come, and down and then advanced classes. Here your foxhound will learn advanced commands such as:

  • Stop - Your foxhound will learn to stop regardless of his distance from you

  • Quiet - This command stops your dog from barking, especially for no reason

  • Leave it - If you drop something or do not want your dog to have it, this command works well

  • You may want to consider getting your dog involved in dog agility training or tracking classes. Keeping your dog exercised and busy makes adjusting to the city far easier for both you and your pet.

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    Can An American Foxhound Live in the City?
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