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For Sale

American Eskimo- Family Dog or Guard Dog?

Filed under Dogs
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Tags: American Eskimo, Origin, Family Breeds

Maltese Puppies For Sale In Brook…


$650 +

Brooklyn, NY


Ask any owner of an American Eskimo if they have a guard dog or family dog and there is likely to be a resounding yes. Starting with its popularity in the early 1900's, the Eskie has found its way into the homes and hearts of hundreds of thousand of homes. This is not only because of its good nature and manageable size, but because of its notable versatility. Everyone wants a dog that is kind and gentle yet alert and wary of strangers without being overly aggressive. The American Eskimo passes all of these requirements with ease. The Eskie forms an attachment to its owner rather early and it is a bond that stays strong for life.

In the beginning, the Eskie or German Spitz was taken on as a companion animal. Most dogs were bred for hunting in some capacity but this breed's pure white coat made them no good for such tasks. Their welcoming personality made them more appropriate for keeping a person company or even for sideshows in traveling circuses. They notably enjoy pleasing their owners and being the center of attention so much so that it is commonly known that Eskies suffer greatly when left alone for long periods of time. Those who do not have the time to exclusively interact with an Eskie should consider some other breed of dog.

Because of their strong bond to their owner and their territory, an Eskie does quite well at alerting the household when strangers approach. They keep a watchful eye over children and anything else that may seem off kilter with their normal environment. At the same time, the Eskie is rarely hostile, okaying a stranger's presence once all checks out with its owner. Once an Eskie gets to know a person they will be a welcomed guest to entertain and glean attention from. The well bred Eskie is not known for being overly territorial or noisy. They tend to be well balanced, alert and more interested in enjoying life.

When opting for this breed of dog, one should be sure that the pup comes from a reputable American Eskimo dog breeder. Visiting breeding facilities allows individuals the opportunity to take note of the conditions both parents and pups are raised in. A clean, healthy environment often denotes a good bloodline and a low possibility of inbreeding. Inbreeding and other less than favorable practices will eventually lead to health and behavior problems in any type of dog. It can lead right to a situation one does not want around their family, especially if there are children present in the household. Luckily, this is not a common problem for the American Eskimo breed. A reputable breeder will not only have accurate records but answer any and all questions about the breed without difficulty.

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American Eskimo- Family Dog or Guard Dog?
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