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Exercising your Australian Terrier - Keeping Your Australian Terrier

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Tags: Australian Terrier, Exercise, Socialization

Yorkie Puppies For Sale In Queens, Ny


$550+ T0 1550+ & UP

Bayside, Queens, NY

Yorkshire Terrier

Regular exercise and play is very important for your Australian terrier because a conditioned dog is more alert, content, and happier. Physical activity and exercise keeps your dog in shape, he has more energy, sleeps better, and stays trim. Physically active dogs have better muscle tone, stronger cardiovascular systems, and healthier, stronger bones. Bored dogs that are not kept busy or dogs that get very little exercise often become destructive and tear up, chew, or destroy things such as furniture or shoes. Exercise should be a regular part of your Australian terrier's daily routine.

A brisk walk twice a day for approximately twenty minutes is usually sufficient for most terriers but this depends upon their age and physical condition. Remember that every dog is an individual so some dogs require a longer walk while others do fine with a shorter, brisk walk. Allow your pet some investigation time during the walk where he can sniff around and explore. Always carry plastic bags to clean up after your dog. Never overexert your dog and during very hot or humid weather, take him walking very early in the morning or late in the evening when it is cooler. If the weather is bad and you cannot take your pet for a walk, there are many indoor activities for both you and your dog to enjoy.

Playtime is another great way to keep your Australian terrier busy and in great shape. If you have a fenced yard, a game of catch keeps your dog busy, satisfies his natural instinct to retrieve and chase, and gives him a fun way to exercise. Another fun backyard game is "tag, get me". Put your dog on his leash in a fenced yard, and shout "tag, get me". Run away from your terrier and then stop and kneel down. Pull your dog gently over to you if he is not already there, have him sit and make a big fuss of him. Repeat "tag get me" a couple of times and then play it without his leash. Your dog will soon get the hang of the game. If your terrier accidentally gets loose, then shouting "tag, get me" and running a few yards in the opposite direction will usually entice him to run towards you.

If you work and your Australian terrier is alone all day during the week, you may want to consider a dog daycare. For dogs that become destructive or suffer from separation anxiety, a dog daycare keeps them busy and promotes healthy activity. They are with other dogs, so your pet gets to socialize, play, jump, and run with other dogs both indoors and outdoors. Dogs are pack animals by instinct and a dog daycare gives your pet an opportunity to spend time with his "friends" and also keeps him from being lonely and bored.

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Exercising your Australian Terrier - Keeping Your Australian Terrier
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