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Choosing the Right Food for the Australian Terrier

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Tags: Australian Terrier, Health Problems, Feeding

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Forest Park, GA


A healthy, nutritional diet is what keeps your Australian terrier healthy, feeling his best, and looking great. Feeding your terrier a healthy diet can save money in the end by reducing your veterinarian bills. Aussies that do not receive a proper, nutritionally healthy diet often end up suffering from nutrition related problems such as flaky, itchy, dry skin, kidney or liver problems, or ear yeast infections. A healthy diet provides your terrier with the correct amounts of all-important nutrients, minerals, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and water. To stay healthy, your Australian terrier requires the correct portion of all of these. Dog food companies today make many different types of dog foods such as dry, semi-moist, and moist and also food for all ages such as puppies, adult, and senior dogs. No matter what type of food you feed your terrier, be sure it is a premium brand because often the cheap brands do not contain the nutrition, vitamins, and minerals your dog requires. Although you can talk to your veterinarian or breeder and ask for their advice, you are the one that sees how a certain dog food affects your pet.

No one specific dog food is perfect for every Australian terrier because, just like people, every dog is an individual. You could feed a group of terriers a premium, well-formulated dog food and while most would do great, others would not do as well, and some could become sick from gastrointestinal upset. Sometimes you have to try several well-formulated, premium dog foods until you determine the right one for your Australian terrier. If you are feeding your Australian terrier a premium dog food and his coat and skin are healthy looking, his energy level is where it should be for his age, he seems to be in excellent health, and his stools are brown and firm, the food your dog eats is fine.

Be sure to select a dog food that is right for your Australian terrier's age or stage of life. Eating puppy food, an adult dog is very likely to become overweight because it contains more calories, while a terrier puppy that eats adult dog food does not get the required higher amounts of minerals, vitamins, protein, calories, and other essential nutrients. Most senior dogs need food made specifically for seniors because it is easier for them to digest.

Whether you feed your dog dry kibble, semi-moist, or canned depends upon your terrier and you. Veterinarians and breeders often recommend dry food because it keeps your terrier's teeth cleaner and stools firm and compact. There are fewer odors with dry than canned food and it is easier to clean up. Some dogs eat this while others prefer canned food. Although convenient, semi-moist food does not have the nutritional benefits you find in both premium canned or dry food. Always feed your Australian terrier premium, high-quality dog food. An economy brand costs less per bag but you need to feed your dog more for him to receive the same nutritional value, often making it more expensive per serving than premium.

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Choosing the Right Food for the Australian Terrier
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