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Are Bichon Frise Good for People with Allergies?

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Tags: Bichon Frise, Allergies, Medical

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Millmont, PA

Boston Terrier

For people that are allergic to dogs, it is most common to suffer from contact allergies, which are allergy-producing proteins produced in the animal's skin. These sticky dead skin cell proteins become deposited on a dog's hair when he or she licks itself. This protein adheres to the surface of objects such as furniture, dust, carpets, clothing, and people when dog hair contacts them. It is the dander and not the dog hair itself that most people are allergic to although some people are allergic to the dog's saliva. Your immune system causes a reaction if you have dog allergies. Your body reacts to dog saliva or dander like it would to an illness and causes symptoms such as sneezes, sniffles, runny eyes and nose, itching and in severe cases, trouble breathing or asthma.

Although an allergy-free dog is nonexistent because all of them produce allergens in dander, urine or saliva, there are dogs such as the Bichon Frise, which are better for people with allergies. For people with mild dog allergies, there are several things you can do that might make it possible for you to have a dog but for people with severe allergies, not getting a dog is the best choice as it is heartbreaking to have to give it away at a later date. The beautiful, curly coat of the Bichon Frise sheds very lightly so produce or release less dander than many other breeds of dog making it a good choice for people with mild allergies. Some of the other dog breeds that shed less include the Maltese, Chinese Crested, Poodle, Kerry blue terrier and Schnauzer. If you are one of the unfortunate few that is allergic to dogs saliva even having a Bichon Frise could trigger an allergic reaction.

There are several things people, with mild dog allergies, can do to help prevent allergy attacks. If you have a Bichon Frise or want to get one, there are ways to reduce allergy symptoms and keep down the amount of dander in your home. Some of these include:

  • Install a Hepa air cleaner that removes airborne pet dander to cut down on the amount of dander in your house. There are also Hepa filter vacuums available on the market today.

  • Carpets and rugs harbor dog dander, which is difficult to remove so wherever possible, have hardwood flooring or ceramic tiles. If you have carpeting, damp dust it weekly and vacuum daily.

  • Use an allergy-control laundry detergent to wash your Bichon Fries toys and bedding regularly.

  • Never allow your Bichon Frise to sleep with you on the bed. It is best not to let it in your bedroom at all.

  • Bathe your dog every week or two to help remove dander.

  • Keep your dog off the furniture or use washable slipcovers on any furniture you allow your Bichon Frise to use.

  • Have a family member not allergic to your pet brush the dog outside daily.

  • After playing with or touching your Bichon Frise, never touch your face and always wash your hands using soap and water.

  • Controlling the pet dander in your home can reduce allergy sufferer's symptoms.

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