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Should You Exercise Your Maltese?

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Tags: Maltese, Exercise

Akc Golden Retriever Pups



Patton, MO

Golden Retriever

Exercising is an essential part of every living creature's life and inactivity can always result in something negative in the person's or the animal's physique and psyche. Exercising can be described as any form of activity that helps get blood circulating properly through the veins due to the pumping of oxygenated blood through the heart at a more accelerated rate. This action is good to help get the nutrients that a creature gets from food to be distributed evenly throughout the body and the organs. This kind of a description for exercise brings us to the question as to whether or not you should exercise your Maltese and the benefits that can be gained from exercise.

What Exercise to Get Your Maltese to Do

Of course, each living creature exercises in a different manner and each dog breed needs a different amount of activity to keep itself healthy and fit. Since a Maltese is a pretty small dog, and a hyperactive one at that, you don't necessarily have to let it undergo a strict exercise routine. You can let it run around your back yard for a bit to get it exercised and worked out or you can take it for a walk. The usual reason for exercising is often for better health and for losing weight. Your dog may get to gain a lot of weight or become unhealthy and obese if you do not take the necessary precautions to get it to become active at least once a day.

Walking Your Maltese

One type of exercise that you can get your Maltese to do is to take a leisurely walk. You should try and be careful about the time of day you walk since these animals are rather sensitive to weather extremes and getting them to walk in either too cold or too warm weather can result in your dog getting sick, which is the exact opposite of your purpose for exercising him in the first place.

You can take your Maltese for a leisurely stroll in the park under shady trees that can offer you and your dog fresh oxygen as well as a shady area to walk in. You can also use this form of an exercise as a way for you and your Maltese to socialize.

The reasons for exercising your Maltese may differ from what others may be doing for their dogs; however, no matter what reason you may have for exercising your Maltese, it is always for the good of your pet. Whether it be for socializing, weight maintenance or even for toning his muscles, exercising your Maltese is a good thing to do and you should get your dog to do it.

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Should You Exercise Your Maltese?
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