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Different types of Labrador Retrievers

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Tags: Labrador Retriever




Gap, PA

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As many people are finding out, there is more than one type of Labrador Retriever to choose from. In fact, many people are not aware that there are three different types of Labrador Retrievers.

Although there are three different types of Labrador Retrievers, this does not mean that there is a significant difference between all three dogs. In fact, there is not much difference at all between them; the most obvious difference is the coloring. One of the most widely known types of Labrador Retriever is the Yellow Labrador. In fact, the yellow Labrador retriever is the most common and popular breed of dog in the United States and the United Kingdom. Not only are the Yellow Labrador retrievers popular dogs with the general public, they are also known to be very intelligent and energetic, as well as good natured dogs - all of which makes them an excellent choice for a pet.

Yet the Yellow Labrador has another existence other than as a well loved family pet. Some people are using them for work dogs, as well. In fact, the majority of Yellow Labrador retrievers are bred to be used as work dogs.
The average size of the Yellow Labrador is 45-70 pounds for the female, and 60-80 for the males, although many dogs do become overweight. The coloring of the Yellow Labrador can vary from a light creme color to being fox red.

The next type of Labrador retriever is the Black Labrador retriever; which as its name suggests is mainly a jet black color. Just like the Yellow Labrador, the Black Labrador retriever is also a very popular breed of pet in the United States as well as the United Kingdom. They are known to be very smart, good natured and energetic dogs; all of which are good traits for working dogs. The black Labrador is known to be a great water dog as well as a gun dog. The body size is the same size as the Yellow Labrador retriever.

Lastly, the other type of Labrador retriever is the chocolate Labrador retriever. This breed actually varies in colors from medium to dark brown. Like the yellow and black Labradors, the chocolate Labrador retrievers are also very energetic, intelligent, and also good natured dogs. In fact, the chocolate Labrador - just like the yellow and black Labrador retrievers - makes a great dog to have as a pet; they are very loyal and trustworthy dogs. Also, the chocolate Labrador retrievers are used for bird or hunting dogs. In fact, they are great hunters right across the board. The size and weight of the chocolate Labrador is similar to that of the yellow and black Labradors; except for those that are over or under fed, of course.

When comparing the yellow, black, and chocolate Labrador retrievers, not many people can tell the difference between all three; except for the coloring. As far as temperament and behavior are concerned, there is really no difference between the three variations, and they all make equally terrific pets.

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Different types of Labrador Retrievers
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