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Afghan Hounds - High Maintenance Dogs?

Filed under Dogs
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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Afghan Hound, Grooming, Exercise, Training, Socialization, Obedience Training, Behaviorial Training

Akc Champagne Boston Terrier Puppies



Marathon, NY

Boston Terrier

The appearance and attitude of the Afghan hound can easily lead you to believe that they are very high maintenance dogs. Their long, shiny coats and the aloof manner in which they carry themselves can be almost intimidating to some. Before you make the decision to add an Afghan hound to your family you should consider the amount of work that will be involved.


There is no getting around the fact that these dogs require regular grooming in order to look their best. They will need to be brushed thoroughly at least two to three times every week. Brushing the Afghan hound isn't a quick job as their coats are thick and can be difficult to manage. Skipping this task will result in a mess that may require a professional groomer to clean up.

Baths cannot be skipped for long periods of time and should be given a minimum of twice per month. If your dog is young and loves to play outdoors, as most Afghans do, you will probably need to give a bath more often.


Afghan hounds are sight hounds and this means that they love to chase things. A stroll through the neighborhood after dinner is not going to be enough exercise for this dog. Also, they don't do well in small areas and really need a large yard to romp and play in on a daily basis. They can jump very high so a fence around your yard is an absolute necessity to prevent them from chasing your neighbor's pets.
If you live in an apartment or have do not have access to a large area for exercise an Afghan hound probably isn't the best choice for you. These dogs are so energetic that if they aren't given a chance to work off some of that excess energy unpleasant and even neurotic behavior can develop.


Afghan hounds aren't overly fond of being told what to do which makes training them a challenge. Housebreaking can take months to be successful and will require much patience on your part. They are very smart dogs, but they are also very independent which can be considered a negative quality by some potential dog owners.
It is often recommended that you use a crate to housebreak the Afghan hound and this will require quite a bit of space inside your home. The crate must be large enough to accommodate your pet comfortably. Remember, the little puppy that you bring home will grow quickly to become a rather large dog.


Afghans are not incredibly social dogs by nature. They do bond well with family members but they tend to be shy and distrustful of strangers which could make traveling with them a hassle. They can also be upset very easily by changes in their environment and routine so a chaotic household is not ideal for them.
Afghan hounds are wonderful dogs but they are not for the casual dog owner. They require almost constant care and attention and their well being must be taken into account in every aspect of family life. They do seem to be one of the most high maintenance breeds of the dog world!

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Afghan Hounds - High Maintenance Dogs?
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