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Dental and Foot Care For A Cesky Terrier

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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Cesky Terrier, Grooming, Health Problems

Rare Hybrid Pups



Las Vegas , NV

Siberian Husky

Taking good care of your Cesky terrier's feet and teeth will help in the overall health and well being of your dog. While foot and dental care can be completed by a professional groomer they are also simple activities that can easily be done at home. In the case of dental care it is much more effective when done or a regular twice or three times weekly program than only done when the dog visits the groomers once every six to eight weeks.

Dental Care

Terriers, including the Cesky Terrier, typically have very good tooth formation and retention as they mature provided they are fed kibble, bones and other abrasive type foods to allow the food to scrape the plaque and tartar off the teeth. Even with these ideal diets tartar can still develop along the gum line that will eventually lead to gingivitis. Untreated gingivitis will lead to bad breath, deeper infections in the gums, bleeding gums, receding gums and eventually tooth loss.

Owners can really help their dogs by simply brushing the dog's teeth at least twice a week. The whole process only takes a few minutes each time and is usually done in combination with the grooming and foot care routines. To brush your dog's teeth use only specially formulated dog toothpaste and a dog toothbrush or a finger sleeve. These products are available at most pet stores as well as online and at your vets.

Start by rubbing your finger or the brush against the outer edge of the dog's teeth, focusing on the area right along the gum line. Do not press or brush with any pressure, let the bristles do the scrubbing. Most dog's do not object to the process once it has been done a few times. Don't forget to also brush the inside of the teeth, again focusing on the gum line area.

There are lots of healthy dental treats available that also work to remove tartar and plaque from the teeth. Be sure to have on hand for a healthy treat after a job well done.

Foot Care

To keep your Cesky's toe nails trimmed use a guillotine style trimmer and simply cut the nail flat at the pad, being very careful not to cut into the quick. The quick is the bundle of nerves and blood vessels that runs down the center of the nail to about halfway down the pad and is seen as a pinkish center in white colored nails. Cutting into the quick will be painful for the dog and will often bleed very profusely. With many of the black toe nailed Cesky's it is advisable to allow the groomer to trim the nails if you are uncertain of where the quick actually ends.

Between clippings examine the nails for any signs of splinters or jagged edges that can easily be corrected with as simple emery board or nail file, just as you would smooth out your own nail.

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Dental and Foot Care For A Cesky Terrier
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