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For Sale

The Wheaten as a family dog

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1.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers

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Gap, PA

Siberian Husky

If you're planning on adding a canine companion to your family that will fit right in, a Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier might just be the perfect choice.

This good-natured breed gets along well with both adults and children who know better than to abuse or tease an animal. Other family pets, such as cats or other dogs will not bother your Wheaten as long as they become acquainted when he is a pup. However, be aware that when Wheatens play, they often sit on other animals.

Wheatens love people, so both children and adults should have fun with this dog. A "Wheatie" loves to romp and play both inside and out. Just be careful with very young children to ensure that they don't get hurt.

Although Wheatens are medium-sized dogs, they have been known to flourish in both homes and apartments. But since they are full of energy, you will need to get your dog outside for a walk or jog regularly. And if you're expecting your new pet to settle down as he ages, think again. Wheatens have an indomitable spirit that lasts their lifetime.

Of course, all this activity will give your Wheaten a good appetite. Make sure you give him high quality dog food with no gluten as it may make your pet very sick. Always have water readily available as well.

You will find that your Wheaten Terrier loves to run about, jumping up on your lap and giving kisses with wild abandon. This breed is very affectionate and will want to be near you, even if that means sitting right on your feet or snuggling up to you on the couch or bed.

Wheatens are also very sensitive and do not respond well to yelling or other mistreatment. You will even be able to sense when you look into your dog's eyes that your pet is upset with you. They love being around people and may whimper as you go out the door.

Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers have hair rather than fur, so no one in your household should have any kind of allergic reaction to this type of dog. To be sure, let family members spend a little time with him at the breeders before you bring him home.

Dogs that constantly bark can be a real a nuisance in a quiet neighborhood. This will not be a problem with a Wheaten as he will only bark when something very unusual is happening, such as a break-in.

Most importantly, it is vital that you have your Wheaten spayed or neutered, if he is not going to be bred. Your pet when left in its natural state will spray, causing stains and odors. As well, as a responsible pet owner, you should help keep the number of unwanted dogs to a minimum because too many of them are euthanized every year.

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The Wheaten as a family dog
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