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Are Pugs Good Watchdogs?

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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Pug, Guard Dog, Service Dogs

Yorkie Puppies For Sale In Queens, Ny


$550+ T0 1550+ & UP

Bayside, Queens, NY

Yorkshire Terrier

Throughout time, dogs have been used to alert their owners to signs of danger. Some dogs make better watchdogs than others, and this article will take a look at where pug dogs might fall along this continuum. We will look at how pug dogs are alert, stubborn, and friendly. Believe it or not, all these can come into play when you're wondering if a pug would make a good guard dog for your home.

Intruder Alert!

We all want a dog who will let us know if there is anything suspicious going on around or outside of our houses. Pug dogs will notify you of such activity by barking at any such sign. They will respond mostly to strangers or odd noises in this fashion. They are very protective of their owners, which is also a desirable quality in a watchdog. Their size may not be conducive to that much more beyond notifying their owners that something suspicious may be going on, but they will let you know.

A Stubborn Streak

They can have a bit of a stubborn streak can make pugs a little more difficult to train sometimes. If your intention is to train the pug to become a watchdog and perhaps develop more refined or more extensive skills in this area, you could run into trouble. Aside from just being stubborn, they tend to lose interest in such repetitive training exercises which can also be perceived as stubbornness. As far as specific skills the pug is not the easiest breed to train although it can be done. It all depends what exactly you are looking for in a guard dog.


You might not think of friendly as an undesirable attribute when you are trying to select a guard dog, but that depends on your situation. A dog that barks indiscriminately at familiar and unfamiliar faces alike is as useful as one who never barks at all. You want a dog that can understand the difference between an intruder and someone heading to the bathroom late at night. Pugs bond well with families and even other pets so there's no problem. Another positive aspect is that they adore children. This ability to tell the difference between a friendly and an unfriendly presence is a real asset. That means that these intelligent dogs won't be hounding you with constant false alarms.

Watchdogs, throughout history, have often been the harbingers of danger so that said danger could be avoided. A pug dog has many qualities that affect its efficacy as a watchdog. These qualities include its awareness, its willful tendencies, and its sociable nature. Chances are if you have a pug you'll always know if there's a stranger at the door.

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Are Pugs Good Watchdogs?
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