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Communicating with your Welsh Springer Spaniel

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Tags: Welsh Springer Spaniel, Training

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Effective communication is a key aspect to any successful relationship from husband and wife to Welsh Springer Spaniel and owner. To ensure a lasting relationship, you have to rely on your ability to make your requests understood by your pet and make sure that you understand him. Because you both speak different languages, you'll have to compromise to a certain extent in the beginning to open the lines of communication. Through trial or error, you and your Welsh Springer Spaniel will have to communicate on everything from training to playtime.


From the moment your Welsh Springer Spaniel sets foot in your house, you will begin communicating with him. It is your responsibility to guide your puppy around the house, familiarizing him with the area, showing him his sleeping area and the route to his potty. In the beginning, you will use both verbal and non-verbal communication with your Welshie. Sometimes, this can be extremely frustrating, but you should remember that your Welsh Springer Spaniel is having just as hard a time understanding you.

The best thing to do in terms of early communication is to use both verbal and non-verbal methods. You can lead your dog where you want him to go as you're ordering him to "potty". For tricks and the like, you will use the same method. Repetition is the only way your pet will learn to obey you, but the Welshie Springer Spaniel often gets bored with repetition so you'll have to find ways to keep him interested. By commanding and leading your dog, you're giving him valuable tools to understand you.

General Communication

Learning to communicate with your Welsh Springer Spaniel outside of special training follows the same basic principles, command and lead. However, because you aren't training, there are often no reinforcements to dole out which can make it exceedingly difficult to communicate. Not all communication with your dog will be enjoyable so treats are not always necessary. If, for example, your dog hears a stranger outside your home and begins barking, will you know what your Welshie is trying to communicate to you? If not, you should teach your dog to communicate with you by using the "command and lead" method.

Allow your Welsh Springer Spaniel to "speak" when you hear them barking. If you aren't sure what prompted the barking, command your dog to "show" you the problem. Communication, like socialization, is an ongoing lesson that you and your Welsh Springer Spaniel will get better at with time. The only way to guarantee a communicative relationship with your Welshie is by being patient and practicing every day. The Welsh Springer Spaniel is a very quick study and will retain most of what you teach him for a long time.

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Communicating with your Welsh Springer Spaniel
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