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Obedience Training for your Welsh Springer Spaniel

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Tags: Welsh Springer Spaniel, Training

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Obedience training for your dog can mean many things to many different owners, but a common mistake often made by first time pet owners is that they focus only on getting their dog to obey them. Your Welsh Springer Spaniel is a somewhat independent dog and the best type of obedience training that will work will be one that focuses on a well-behaved dog rather than a dog who listens well. The major difference is that one method requires a reactive dog who merely responds to your requests; the other is more suited to the independent-minded Welsh Springer Spaniel because it focuses on teaching your dog how to behave well all of the time.

Reactive Training

Although effective for many breeds of dogs, reactive training will have little effect on a Welsh Springer Spaniel. The Welshie can be timid in the presence of strangers if not properly socialized, but trying a reactive method will only serve to make your pup more timid. The philosophy of many dog obedience schools is to "teach dogs to obey", so if this is the method you're looking to instill on your Welsh Springer Spaniel, you should find an abundance of resources.

Training your dog to only behave when you instruct him can be very ineffective for a dog like the Welsh Springer Spaniel who will continue bad behavior if allowed to persist for too long. The key to training your Welshie to be obedient is more about being well-mannered and stopping bad behaviors as you notice them. It will only make it more difficult on you in the long run if you continue to allow your Welsh Springer Spaniel's bad behavior rather than correcting it.

Proactive Training

The difference between a well-behaved dog and an obedient dog is all about training. Sure, it's great if your Welsh Springer Spaniel obeys every order that comes out of your mouth, but wouldn't it be even better if you didn't even have to boss him around? Proactive training focuses more on measures aimed at redirecting your dog's energy into something more positive. To best use this method, training should begin at around six months. You can try your luck with a local obedience school, but if you truly want your Welsh Springer Spaniel to act like a well-behaved lady or gentle dog, you should first attempt to train it yourself. Below, the difference in these two training methods is illustrated in a simple exercise.

Reactive: Teaching your dog "up" and "off" to get them to stop sitting on your furniture. This will just make sure your dog listens when you tell him to get off the couch; it will not stop him from sitting on your furniture.

Proactive: When you're on the sofa for any reason, call your pet to your side and allow them to sit at your feet while you caress them. This will let your Welshie know that this is the proper place to sit.

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Obedience Training for your Welsh Springer Spaniel
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