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Your Keeshond May Talk and Bark For Various Reasons

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Tags: Keeshond, Barking




Gap, PA


Generally, a Keeshond is a quiet dog, but there are reasons why they "talk" and bark. If you understand why they are doing this, it will be less annoying than if you have no idea why they are doing this. The Keeshond is not noted as a constant barker, but if they seem to be barking at things that they do not need to, you can teach them to quiet instead of letting them bark at everything. They will bark at strangers that come into the house until you say it is okay for that person to be there.

Some Reasons They Bark

The Keeshond is a protector of their property and family. If a stranger does come to the door or inside the house, they are going to bark until you give them the okay to accept the person into the house. This is an instinct and is hard to cure. They need to protect you. They may see strangers walking down the street and continue to bark until they are out of sight. This barking is something you should stop. It can be annoying if you live in a busy neighborhood.

They may bark at other animals as well. This behavior is something that training should take care of, through socialization. In addition, a stern "quiet" will work with reinforcement if needed. They are just protecting their home and do not want anyone close to it. Barking at strange people who enter your home or yard is natural and if you forbid this, they will have to find a different way to warn you. This might not be the best thing. Since they do not howl or bark that much, the Keeshond is a good dog to have around the house.

The Talking Keeshond

Keeshond puppies and older dogs will talk, maybe not the way you do, but they can be vocal if they want to be. It may be in the form of a growl or a rowel, but you can learn by listening to them. Many of them talk to show disapproval or to show approval. If you are petting your Keeshond and you stop, they may not be finished and growl a little to show their disapproval of you stopping. This is by no means bad behavior, it is their way of conveying their feelings.

If you pick them up and they do not want to be picked up, they may let out rowel or growl to tell you to put them down. This can scare some new owners into thinking the dog is going to attack, but this is more than likely not true. Telling them to be quiet will usually stop them from talking at that time. They may also talk to the other animals this way, it is usually a form of getting them to play or leave them alone. Only the dogs really know for sure. If the other animal is offended by the Keeshond talking, it could cause a fight, so you do need to watch them when they are in the mood to talk.

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Your Keeshond May Talk and Bark For Various Reasons
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