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Treating Flatulence In Fila Brasileiro

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Tags: Fila Brasileiro, Health Problems, Feeding, Diet

Olivia 2017



Chariton, IA

Saint Bernard

The Fila Brasileiro is prone to gassiness, but it can be treated to lessen the incidence of it. You may love your dog, but you may not love the smell that accompanies it. A gassy dog can also be an embarrassment in social situations. So learn how to recognize some causes of flatulence and help the dog eat well to maintain a diet that doesn't exacerbate gassiness.

Dogs get gas the same way people get gas. They are either eating foods that promote gas or they are gulping in air when feeding and releasing it later. Sometimes the dog may be eating well, but the quality of the food is such that it causes the dog's stomach to turn. Along with the diet and eating habits, dogs can also get gas when they have had a course of antibiotics. Sometimes, like people, dogs can just have a nervous stomach and releasing stress might help.

The one thing you do have the most control with your Fila Brasileiro in terms of reducing gassiness is their diet. If you find that your Fila Brasileiro is constantly flatulating, you will want to move away from the kibble you have chosen and try a more natural diet of meat and vegetables. You may have heard that dogs need a balanced diet that can only be gotten through kibble, but that's not really accurate. A dog can have a natural diet that you cook up for it (or raw, if that's what you decide) and this will help its stomach to settle down quite well. What you want to avoid is giving the dog food scraps that even you wouldn't eat yourself. Anything that is particularly hard for you to digest is probably going to be hard for your dog to digest too.

If the dog has not had much gas and suddenly gets very flatulent and the diet hasn't changed, then you will want to take it into the veterinarian to make sure it is all right and to see what more can be done for it. Some people do use Beano and other anti-gas over-the-counter products on their dogs, but you will want to be certain the condition is not something more serious and get the approval of your veterinarian first. If it has just finished a course of antibiotics, this can also cause it to be a bit more flatulent than usual. If the natural food diet does not work, you can try other types of diets and commercial food products that your veterinarian recommends. While gas is not pleasant to be around, it is not a serious problem for the most part. It is far better than having a life-altering condition and can be put into perspective that way.

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Treating Flatulence In Fila Brasileiro
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