Basset Hound
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Basset Hound

Keeping A Basset Hound In Shape Basset Hounds And Weight

Dogs need exercise as much as humans do to control their weight and to maintain their health. Basset hounds have special needs when it comes to exercise and staying in shape. Furthermore, these needs are dependent upon the age of the dog because puppies have needs that differ from those of adults. This article will look at the needs of these two life stages so that you can provide the best and most appropriate exercise for your basset hound. [...]

Challenges Of Owning And Training A Basset Hound

All dogs have their desirable aspects and their less desirable aspects. Basset hounds can make wonderful pets but can present many challenges too. Some of their less appealing characteristics have to do with stubbornness, noise, shedding, gassiness, and chronic health problems. Let's take a look at some of these challenges a little more closely. [...]

Joys Of Owning A Basset Hound

There are many reasons why you might want a dog. Maybe you grew up with one or you just love animals. Obtaining a pet can benefit you in countless ways and basset hounds are no exception to this rule. Owning a basset hound can be a joy because they get along with almost everyone, enjoy excellent health, and have been bred for hunting. Let's take a peek at a few of the reasons why owning a basset hound can be such a pleasure. [...]

Showing A Basset Hound

Dog show enthusiasts have made such competitions both a serious and a highly enjoyable event. But what does it take to show basset hounds? Many details go into preparing for such a show but three main points of such a showing are the age and breeding of the basset hound, overall maintenance, and just the general benefits to showing. In this article we will take a look at these main points. [...]

Breeding A Basset Hound

Many dog owners one day start fantasizing about what it might be like to have a puppy again. The question of breeding when it comes to basset hounds is not one to be taken lightly. You need to be ready to provide an area, to commit vast amounts of time to this endeavor, be willing to deal with noise and mess, be willing to pay any vet bills, and realize that some might not make it. There's more to the story than simply wanting another puppy in the house. [...]

Establishing Who's The Boss With A Basset Hound

Basset hounds can make wonderful companions. However, they are stubborn, strong-willed, and can be difficult at times. Some specific areas of life in which you need to establish some dominance, or at least a plan of attack, are when it comes to food, house training, and their masterful escapes. This article will try to explain and give helpful hints to give you a leg up on your short legged competition. [...]

Basset Hounds and Territory Issues

Some dogs have issues with being territorial, but what about basset hounds? Where do they fall in the continuum? This article will talk about how territorial they are, how breeding affects this, and if the basset hound customarily makes a good watchdog. Let's take a walk through basset hound territory. [...]

Determining If A Basset Hound Is The Best Pet For You

There are plenty of things that factor into the decision of what kind of dog to get. Each breed has its own idiosyncrasies that should be taken into account before any decision is made. If you're thinking of a basset hound you should know about how much he eats, the ins and outs of grooming, and how he will fit into your lifestyle. Every individual dog is different but let's look at some trends. [...]

Basset Hounds And Ear Problems

Different breeds of dog have different body types, and these differences can leave them more prone to different health and hygiene problems. Basset hounds, for example, are known for their long droopy ears, but this adorable characteristic brings with it its own group of problems and concerns. This article will take a look at why their ears can be an issue, what problems can arise, and even a little about what can be done to prevent these problems before they start. [...]

Basset Hounds Weird Facts Did You Know?

All breeds of dogs have little interesting facets that set them apart from other breeds. These details may be interesting, unpleasant, or just funny. Three such interesting details about a basset hound has to do with its voice, its nose, and its slobber. This article is just a fun look at some of the more interesting and perhaps even slightly odd aspects of basset hounds. [...]

The Basset Hound - A True Family Dog

Even those individuals that are not familiar with different breeds of dogs are typically able to identify the Basset Hound. These heavy set, low backed dogs are really often considered to be the mascot of the hound group by many people. Although the Basset Hound is a very popular hound it also has some characteristics that differ significantly from the other hounds in the group, particularly the long legged, light framed and incredibly fast sight hounds in the group. [...]

Basset Hound Health Issues

Basset Hounds, perhaps because they were originally developed by using dwarf lines found within Bloodhound and other hunting hounds, tend to have slightly more health concerns than most of the other hound breeds. They have also had significant spikes in popularity throughout history, leading to poor breeding practices by many backyard types of breeders only in it for the money. Reputable breeders and kennels have maintained very healthy and genetically sound Basset Hounds that have few of the health issues listed below. [...]

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