Boston Terrier
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Boston Terrier

Boston Terriers and Reverse Sneezing

Many dog owners tend to be quite worrisome when it comes to their canine pet; they look for any signs of pain and/or distress, as they are aware of the fact that their dogs cannot speak for themselves to communicate any problems. One of the behaviors that never fails to terrify dog owners, especially the first time they witness it, is the "reverse sneeze." While the majority of dog breeds has an occasional bout of reverse sneezing, breeds with short noses, also called Brachycephalic breeds, seem to be especially prone to this behavior; Boston Terriers are among the Brachycephalic breeds and they are among the breeds that most commonly exhibit reverse sneezing. [...]

Boston Terriers and Eye Problems

As with many Brachycephalic (short-nosed) breeds with prominent eyes, the Boston Terrier unfortunately suffers from a number of eye problems. Some are less severe than others, though all require prompt veterinary attention. If you are considering the addition of a Boston Terrier to your family, you must be willing to devote time to regularly checking the health of your dog's eyes and bringing him or her for regular visits to the vet. Some of the more common eye conditions that can develop in Boston Terriers are cataracts and corneal ulcers, the latter usually in conjunction with corneal dystrophy. [...]

Boston Terriers and Breathing Problems

Many people find Boston Terriers to be extremely attractive thanks to their bulging eyes and pushed in face; indeed, many proud Boston Terrier owners claim that the dog’s characteristic face was what initially sparked their love affair with the breed. While some people may find the Boston Terrier’s features appealing, there are some inherent health problems, mainly respiratory in nature, that go along with that shortened snout. The series of issues associated with that pushed in nose are grouped together under the heading Brachycephalic syndrome; these dogs are called brachycephalic dogs, where “brachy” means “short” and “cephalic” means “head.” [...]

Are Boston Terriers Really Terriers from Boston?

The naming of a dog breed is an important event and many dog breed names derive from the names of important contributors to the breed, the original jobs the dogs were bred to perform, or some other important aspect from the breed's history. Sometimes names can be misleading, though, and don't reflect the true nature of the breed. Take something like the Norwegian Elkhound, for example. This breed is neither a hound, nor was it bred to hunt elk; its name comes from a mistake in the translation of the original Norwegian name which meant Moosedog. So what about the Boston Terrier? Is it's name accurate? Is it really a terrier from Boston? [...]

The American Gentleman

The Boston Terrier is an extremely popular breed of dog in the United States. Besides the fact that the breed was developed in America, its popularity is mainly due to its wonderful temperament. Indeed, its polite, gentle nature, combined with its dapper good looks, has earned the Boston Terrier the nickname "The American Gentleman." Boston Terrier owners claim that these little dogs are amazing companions and one of the best breeds to have as a family pet. If trained properly, a Boston terrier is an extremely social dog, providing affection, but also soaking it in. They are very loyal and eager to please; some owners swear they have a very unique sense of humor. [...]

Complaints about Boston Terriers

The Boston Terrier has been nicknamed The American Gentleman and his overall pleasant and polite personality more than justifies this nickname. Just because the breed is considered pleasant, though, doesn't mean that it doesn't have some negative points; furthermore, just because the majority of members of a particular breed have certain characteristics doesn't mean that every single dog of that breed will also possess those characteristics. Finally, an unfortunate side effect of a breeds popularity is poor breeding practices. When a breed becomes popular, demand for that breed increases and individuals who know nothing about breeding think they can take advantage of the situation by breeding and selling large amounts of puppies. [...]

Boston Terriers and Deafness

Deafness in dogs is not such a rare occurrence and the condition occurs in some breeds more often than others. Boston Terriers are one of the breeds that suffers from congenital deafness, or deafness present at birth. Exactly what causes congenital deafness is not yet entirely known, though most experts agree that it has something to do with pigment genes; these are genes responsible for giving color to the hair cells and the eye cells of an animal. Certain color genes are associated with blindness. [...]

Boston Terriers and Whelping Problems

Many dog owners get so involved with a particular type of dog that they then start considering the idea of breeding that dog. Dog breeding carries great responsibility and should not be done unless an owner really thinks that his or her dog can significantly contribute to the gene pool of the breed. The dogs to be used in the breeding should have a variety of medical tests done to confirm their health and they should have the best possible temperament for their breed. All too often, uneducated individuals get into breeding simply thinking that it's a get rich quick scheme, especially when it comes to certain breeds of dogs that fetch a high price. Breeding is not an easy way to make money and with many breeds, money is sometimes lost. Indeed, this is the case with the Boston Terrier. [...]

Weird Facts/Did You Know?

[-]The Boston Terrier has been dubbed "The American Gentlemanan", due to both his coat markings resembling a tuxedo and his polite and gentle personality. He is claimed to be the first truly American purebred. He is also the first American breed to be registered with the American Kennel Club.[/-] [...]

Breeds With Whelping Problems

As humans have gradually bred dogs specifically for different physical traits, there has been a marked change in the physiology of different breeds. In some breeds this has translated into larger, heavier, stockier or healthier dogs, while in others it may have lead to growth problems, muscular-skeletal problems or even significant dental and respiratory issues. [...]

Breeds Good For City Life

It comes as no surprise to most people to find out that the greatest percentage of the United States, Canada, Europe, Asian and the United Kingdom all live within urban areas. The United States alone has over 51 cities that are home to more than 1 million people each with two cities, Los Angeles and New York with well over 10 million inhabitants. It is also not uncommon to have population densities of over 10,000 people per square mile in many urban areas. This concentration of people means that many people are living in apartments, condos and multi-family type dwellings. [...]

Best Breeds For Seniors

Selecting the best dog breed for an elderly family member or even for yourself as a senior citizen is basically very similar to selecting a dog breed for any other type of individual or family. It is very important to take then time to consider what you want in a dog as well as what special aspects of your life may make one type of dog more suitable or a specific type or character trait in a dog more challenging or difficult. [...]

High End Fashions For Our Four Legged Friends

If the truth be told, there are really very few people that don't find it amusing, attractive and just plain old cute to see different types of dogs in very stylish designer clothing. However, there are also some breeds of dogs that just aren't good matches for clothes, usually because they are big, rugged, outdoorsy types of dogs in the first place. Adding a few clothing accessories to these types of dogs for special occasions and events is still fun, and with the wide selection available in styles and types it won't be difficult to find the perfect item. [...]

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