Crate Training
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Crate Training

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Understanding Your Dog's Many Moods

The Tibetan Spaniel, sometimes affectionately referred to as a "Tibbie," is a very sensitive dog breed. Their wonderfully expressive eyes seem to convey the many moods of this exquisitely sensitive dog. The dog also seems to respond to the moods of its owners and can appear to try to give solace to an owner that is sad or depressed. Similarly, it has a very playful temperament and can sometimes exhibit a smile that looks more like a grin. There are specific situations though that will trigger obstinate behavior and pouty moods in your dog. Learn some of the moods your dog is trying to convey and you will have a better insight into how to handle the dog in a way that leaves it eager to please and content. [...]

Some Issues With House Training

The Sussex Spaniel is more comfortable being an outside dog than an indoor dog. You can have one as a family pet, but it does have issues with house training. Many people quickly realize that house training a Sussex Spaniel will take patience and time. Even after the dog seems trained, it can still have occasional accidents due to temperamental stress or pure obstinacy. The time to start house training your dog, is the minute you bring it home. You can house train a Sussex Spaniel by crate training it. Just do not leave it alone for too long in a crate. It has a need for companionship and can suffer separation anxiety. It also needs a good deal of exercise. This is not a dog that can spend the entire day in a crate. As a puppy, it might not be as hard for it to remain in the crate until it is time to go, but as an older dog this would be very hard on the dog. [...]

Some Issues With House Training

The Sussex Spaniel is more comfortable being an outside dog than an indoor dog. You can have one as a family pet, but it does have issues with house training. Many people quickly realize that house training a Sussex Spaniel will take patience and time. Even after the dog seems trained, it can still have occasional accidents due to temperamental stress or pure obstinacy. The time to start house training your dog, is the minute you bring it home. You can house train a Sussex Spaniel by crate training it. Just do not leave it alone for too long in a crate. It has a need for companionship and can suffer separation anxiety. It also needs a good deal of exercise. This is not a dog that can spend the entire day in a crate. As a puppy, it might not be as hard for it to remain in the crate until it is time to go, but as an older dog this would be very hard on the dog. [...]

Crate Training

Crate training is one of the most effective and positive methods of housetraining a puppy, but it does take planning, attention and involvement of the owner. Crate training uses a puppy's natural cleanliness as well as the lessons that the mother taught the puppy regarding moving away from the den or living area to go to the bathroom. Crate training makes the crate the den or home of the puppy, which he or she will try very hard not to mess up by soiling. [h]Getting the right sized crate[/h] Getting the right sized crate is important for several reasons. The crate must be large enough to accommodate the puppy without being too small or uncomfortable for the dog. However, if the crate is too large for the puppy he or she may decide to make one area the living space and one area the bathroom, which is very counterproductive. Since owners may not want to buy more than one crate, especially for medium or large sized dogs, consider getting a crate with a sliding inside panel or divider that can be used to make the crate floor area smaller when the puppy is small and then can be moved down to the end of the crate as the puppy grows. [...]

Potty Training Your Puppy

In some situations and with different types of toy and small dogs it may not be possible to train the dog or puppy to go outdoors to toilet. In these situations it may be possible to potty train the puppy using an alternative method such as litter training, paper training or pad training the puppy. Many people that live in apartments or need to leave the dogs alone in the house during the day or night will train their dogs and puppies to use specific areas of the house as toilet areas. Most toy dogs are also trained to use specific areas for a toilet area, especially in very cold climates where going outdoors in the winter may not be an option for certain breeds. This training is most easily accomplished when the puppy is very small, as once they get older and are fully housetrained it will be very difficult to get the older puppy or dog to use the toilet in the house. [...]

Flying With Your Dog

As humans we are often very nervous about flying, even if we read all the statistics and understand that the chance of having any sort of problem when flying is very, very small. Dogs, luckily, don't have this additional anxiety however traveling by air can be stressful on dogs for other reasons. Small and toy dogs may be able to travel in the cabin with their owners, but medium and large breed dogs will have to be crated and transported in the cargo area, meaning they will be alone and away from their owners during the flight. There are several different things that people can do to help prepare their dog for travel by plane. Regardless of the size of the dog the first step is getting your pooch used to being in a crate or carrier and having them find the crate a relaxing and safe place to be. [...]

Apartment Living For Dogs

There are many breeds of dogs that have become very popular as apartment companion pets. These dogs, as can be imagined, tend to be the toy to smaller sized dogs, although some medium sized breeds are also on the most common city breeds lists. It is important to realize that with appropriate exercise time most breeds, but definitely not all, could adjust to be excellent apartment dogs. The key is finding the time and place to provide the exercise space and activities for higher energy breeds or those that simply stay calm and inactive while indoors. [...]

Training The Border Collie

As one of the smartest dogs, training a Border Collie is often very simple initially, but then difficulties start to set in. Usually these difficulties or challenges occur because the human member of the dog-person in the training program starts to deviate from the original commands. When this happens the highly intelligent Border Collie starts to think that perhaps this is a new command, and attempts to figure out what you want him or her to do. The owner, who may not understand that he or she is the cause of the problem, quickly become frustrated with a dog they see as being stubborn or willful. [...]

Minimizing Christmas Chaos

While Christmas festivities and opportunities for visiting with old friends and family members are great for people, they are often incredibly stressful for dogs. In reality many people also feel a lot of stress at this time, which is further communicated to their pets through changes in tone of voice, body language and even typical behaviors. [...]

Crate Training Tips For Your Puppy

Puppy crate training is a great way to make sure your puppy stays safe. It is a wonderful tool for creating good habits in puppies and for preventing problem behaviors later on. First and foremost, the main reason we crate train puppies is for their benefit. Another reason is that it helps protect personal items in our homes. Soon, your puppy will love its crate, as it becomes its own personal area that they will consider its den. Here are a few benefits the crate offers: [...]

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