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Articles > Keywords > Diarrhea



Feline diarrhea is a problem of loose or messy stools and originates in the small or large intestine. Diarrhea is also one of the most common reasons for a cat owner to visit a veterinarian. More often then not diarrhea is a symptom of another underlying problem. [h]Types of Diarrhea and Location[/h] [-]Sudden diarrhea originating in the small intestine gives the cat an urgency to defecate. It usually lasts for about 48 hours and then clears up on its own. Often when the cat has bouts of diarrhea it will lose its appetite as well.[/-] [-]Chronic diarrhea in the small intestine is a large amount of watery stool that is a brownish color. Sometimes it takes on a blackish color if there is blood in the stool. It usually last for about a week at a time.[/-] [...]

Digestive Disorders

Dogs, like people, can have sensitive stomachs that are easily upset or they can literally be able to eat anything without having any troubles at all. Some breeds are known for having problems with digestion and if you have a dog that does seem to be very sensitive to changes in foods or with problems with vomiting or diarrhea it is important to talk to your vet immediately to determine if this is just a simple food related problem or if it may be the signs of problems such as worms or more serious health conditions. Most puppies and dogs will have some problems when types, amounts and even brands of foods are being changed or adjusted. Typically these conditions include food refusal, diarrhea and excessive flatulence. While unpleasant, there is little that can be done to correct these issues until the dog's digestive system has adjusted to the new food, which can take as little as two or three days or as long as a week or more. One way to minimize the chance of these conditions occurring is to very gradually change foods, rather than just suddenly feeding a new food or brand. [...]


Warm and hot weather safety for their dogs is something that all owners should know and understand as it could save their pets life. Regardless of where you live, summertime brings warmer temperatures, longer daylight hours and the need to understand and practice heatstroke safety for your dog. It is your responsibility as a dog owner to protect your pet and make sure that it does not get overheated or suffer any negative effects or even worse, death from the summer heat. [...]

Kidney Disease

There are several different types of kidney diseases that are common in various breeds of dogs as well as in mixed breed dogs. Since the kidneys of a dog work to filter wastes from the blood and produce urine to remove those wastes as well as help to balance various components of the blood, they play a large role in overall canine health. Kidneys also work in tandem with other body organs and systems to help to regulate blood pressure, release and manage the production of calcium in the body, regulate and manage phosphorous in the blood as well as produce hormones that lead to the production of new red blood cells in the body. This is all done through the nephrons or tiny filters that make up the kidney. There are literally millions of these tiny filters each performing multiple tasks to keep the body healthy and free from wastes. [...]

Concerns With Diarrhea Or Colored Urine In Horses

Horses, like any other animal, can suffer from different diseases, pathogens and infections of the digestive and urinary tract. Often these conditions are signs and symptoms of much more serious conditions, many which can be fatal. Some causes of diarrhea or colored urine in horses can also be infections that are relatively localized and easily treated as long as they do not become progressively worse through lack of treatment. Diarrhea can be ongoing or chronic, or it can be episodic, lasting only a few days. Often diarrhea in horses is due to a highly infectious disease known as Salmonellosis. This condition is caused by the bacteria Salmonella, which is commonly found in small numbers as a helpful digestive bacteria in most horses. For some reason, often illness, colitis or even other health issues or exposure to other infected horse's fecal material, the bacteria multiplies and becomes problematic. [...]

Raw vs Dog Food

There are two distinct camps when you start asking dog owners, breeders, nutritionalists and even veterinarians what is the very best type of food to feed a domesticated pet dog. One group recommends a pre-made, high quality, nutritionally balanced food, typically dry or kibble, while the other group recommends a totally natural, raw food diet. There are pros and cons to each type of diet, but in reality both when fed correctly, are very healthy for a dog and also nutritionally sound. [...]

Food That Is Bad For Your Dog

Perhaps not surprisingly people feed their beloved dogs and companion pets a variety of foods that are not really healthy or may even be downright poisonous. They do this not because they are uncaring owners but because they may not understand the nutritional problems they are causing. Most people care a very great deal about their dog's health and really want to see their pet as happy as possible, which is where the dog's diet sometimes gets a bit dangerous. [...]

Dangerous Bulbs and Garden Plants

In the spring there is often a great interest in setting up and planting beautiful flower gardens that are going to provide the family with lovely floral arrangements and outdoor attractions throughout the growing season. In addition flowers in the yard, garden and patio add to the wildlife in your outdoor space as butterflies, colorful insects and even hummingbirds are all likely to drop by for a visit. [...]

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