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Articles > Keywords > ectropion


Bullmastiff and Eye Disorders

The Bullmastiff is a very large and strong dog, but like all dogs is prone to some health issues - specifically eye disorders. Although this does not mean all Bullmastiffs will develop these eye disorders, they are more prone to them than other breeds of dog. [...]

Eye Injuries

One of the most frightening things for a dog owner to deal with is an eye injury or head injury to their dog that has affected the eye area. This is a very sensitive area for the dog and is easily hurt and irritated, just like for a human. Understanding how to assess the problem and provide some basic first aid until the dog can be seen by a vet is critical in both staying calm and hopefully protecting as much of the dog's vision as possible. Many eye injuries are caused by irritations in the eye that are either from the dog's hair or eyelashes or from foreign materials getting into the eye itself. These foreign objects can be pieces of grass or vegetation or even more serious issues such as glass, metal shards, splinters or virtually any other type of object or debris. When dealing with eye injuries it is important to be able to assess the injury and take appropriate first aid measures as quickly as possible. [...]

Ticks: A Serious Concern For Dog Owners

Ticks are one of those living organisms that are a true parasite. They require the blood of a host at three different times in their development in order to grow, mature and reproduce. Although ticks themselves cause little if any damage to the dog, the diseases they carry are very serious and can be fatal in some conditions. Ticks are part of the same family as spiders, scorpions and mites, which is actually within the class Arachnida. There are two different types of ticks, those with soft bodies and those with hard shell-like bodies. Both types of ticks are considered to be ectoparasites, which means that they feed off a host but are external to the body. [...]

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