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Family Breeds

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Bernese Mountain Dog - More Human Than Animal

When it comes to family pets, the Bernese mountain dog is possibly one of the best breeds that you can possibly own. They are usually extremely family orientated and they love nothing more than to stay close to their owner's side all day everyday. In fact, they much prefer human company to company of their own kind! [h]The Bernese as a Family Dog[/h] The Bernese does usually make an excellent family dog but there are some things that you will need to consider. One of these things is that the breed can be particularly boisterous; especially if they are not trained from an early age. This is because whilst they are usually gentle dogs, in the past they have been used for guarding. So if they are not taught from an early age how to behave, they can become uncontrollable and sometimes even aggressive. As long as you take part in regular training sessions from the time that you get your Bernese puppy however, you should end up with a well behaved, mild mannered dog. [...]

The Tibetan Terrier: The Bigger Dog With The Small Dog Inside

The Tibetan Terrier is a beautiful animal, with its long hair and its loving eyes. Most often, these dogs are medium to larger sized dogs and this often means that they may take up more room than you are willing to spare, but reconsider this. These dogs are larger but they are the utmost in friendly and loving care. You are likely to find them cuddled up next to you on the couch instead of bullying those around them. They are non aggressive, easy to please animals that enjoy being in the presence of their families. It is important to keep them happy by including them in your daily life. These dogs do need to spend some time walking every day. Physical exercise is an important part of their health and well being. Do not overlook the importance of this. In addition, provide them with exercise and activity throughout the day. Not only does this keep them fit, but happy too. A happy Tibetan Terrier is one that you will enjoy being around yourself. It is very easy to do this. [...]

The Giant Schnauzer as a Family Dog

Giant Schnauzers will make great family dogs, but they need proper socialization and training first. They will instinctively protect their family from any harm they sense may be directed at them. Although they will make a great family dog, they should not be in the same home as very small children. They have a tendency to be very hyperactive in their youth and may inadvertently hurt a small child. The Giant Schnauzer may bite small children. Great caution should be taken with these animals when there are small children around. They will need to be taught that certain behaviors are not appropriate around a small child. There is a steep learning curve here, so proceed at your own risk. [...]

Children and the Great Pyrenees

The majority of households that contain children also contain dogs. Of course, having a dog that is kid friendly is an absolute must. When it comes to the Great Pyrenees it is possible to mix the breed in a household with children as long as certain boundaries and understandings are set in place. The Great Pyrenees is an intelligent dog with a good sense of self; they are natural protectors of hearth and home and all who dwell within. However, they are hardly the type to take direction from just anybody. They are strict followers of pack order and often see children as the least dominant. Though they will never allow anyone else to lay a finger on those of their flock, the Pyr may at times ignore or push boundaries with young family members. The Great Pyrenees raised with children from the beginning is likely to be more understanding and tolerant of high noise and energy levels. Their basic instinct will be to herd their brood from spot to spot and guard them. [...]

Purebred Versus Mixed Breed

When choosing a dog, it is very important to consider if a purebred or a mixed breed dog is the best choice for you and your family. Since most breeders are staunch supporters of their particular breed or breeds of dogs, remember that these individuals will almost universally advise on a purebred - particularly of their breed - as the best option when purchasing a dog. Reputable breeders will, however, let you know if they don't think that the breed is right for you and your family, based on your requirements or lifestyle routines. They may even choose not to sell a puppy for those reasons. [...]

African Boerboels and Children

One of the reasons the African Boerboel is increasing in popularity all over the world is its reputation as a wonderful family dog that is good with children. This doesn't mean, however, that a Boerboel can be left in a room with small children without supervision. This breed may be known as kid friendly, but new owners will still have a bit of work ahead of them to make sure both dogs and kids can play together safely. Whether you're concerned about integrating a Boerboel into your family, you intend to expand your family in the near future, or are concerned about visiting children, here are a few tips to make sure your Boerboel and children will get along. [...]

The Farmer's Dog of South Africa

Not only has the African Boerboel renown for its reputation as a family dog, but also because of its seemingly natural skills as a protector. Only acting when a threat is perceived, these amazing guard dogs have the capacity to act as the treasured family pet and to warn the family of danger at the same time. For clues to why the African Boerboel has such a natural affinity for protection, we need only look at the breed's history to understand why the beloved "farmer's dog" of its native South Africa is among the best guarding breeds today. [...]

German Pinschers, Kids And Other Types Of Pets

When getting a German Pinscher is it critical to keep in mind that most dogs will adjust very well to any type of home environment provided they are correctly and consistently trained and very well socialized. With that in mind, there are some ideal situations for German Pinschers and some possible combinations of kids, pets and German Pinschers that may be less that ideal for both the family and the dog. Generally the German Pinscher is a wonderful dog with older children. They are high energy, very playful well into their senior years and ever loving of their family members. The German Pinscher responds well to children's commands providing the children are consistent and do not tease or taunt the dog. Most kids, while not trying to be cruel or mean to the dog, will engage in some teasing sort of behaviors, especially in play. For this reason the German Pinscher is recommended for families with children over the age of six or seven that are used to dogs and understand how to correctly play and interact with the dog. Sometimes, especially with younger children, the German Pinscher may become possessive of his or her space or toys, especially if there has been some teasing in play. This can lead to the dog snapping or starting to growl or use other types of dominant behavior towards the kids. [...]

Toy Dogs and Kids

There are few people that would argue that a child and a dog are an almost perfect match for each other. Toy breeds, just as any other dog, thrive on attention from children just as they thrive on attention from adults as well. The key in adjusting a toy breed to a family with children has a lot to do with the age of the children and the specific toy breed you are considering. In general most breeders of toy dogs don't recommend a toy breed in a household with children under the age of six and some breeders won't sell a puppy to families with young children. [...]

Temperament and Traits Of The Doberman Pinscher

With the very undeserved reputation as a vicious and highly aggressive dog, the Doberman Pinscher has a lot of obstacles to overcome about misinformation about the temperament and traits of this breed. A well socialized, well bred and well trained Doberman Pinscher is a loyal and very affectionate companion dog, a playful dog and also a very loving dog. They are, however, highly protective, able to show aggression in the face of possible danger and fearless and courageous when it comes to defending their family and their property. They are typically wonderful with children and seem to know how to be gentle and careful around kids, particularly when raised in a household with children. [...]

The Irish Setter As A Family Dog

The vast majority of modern Irish Setters are not ever going to be used as hunting dogs, even those of championship lines. In the late 20th century the breed moved from a hunting breed to a show breed, somewhat changing the appearance of the dog, but also developing a much more family friendly dog that was an ideal companion pet. [...]

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