Fanconi Syndrome
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Fanconi Syndrome

Fanconi Syndrome: An Inherited Kidney Disease

Fanconi syndrome is an absorption problem in the tubules that make up the kidney. In a normally functioning kidney the small tubules reabsorb minerals, blood sugar, amino acids, and water to keep the body in a metabolic balance that leads to normal functioning of all body systems. In dogs that have the hereditary Fanconi syndrome the tubules do not correctly reabsorb these essential compounds which are simply removed from the body in the urine, resulting in metabolic imbalances that will eventually lead to death. As with most syndromes the condition cannot be eliminated but it can be managed and kidney function supported through several different treatment options. The earlier diagnosis is made then the better the outlook for managing the condition. [...]

Health Concerns With The Basenji

As with most of the hound group, the Basenji tends to be a very healthy breed of dog provided they are giving regular exercise, routine vet visits and fed a high quality food that meets all nutritional requirements. Breeders of this very unique type of dog have worked to prevent any genetic conditions from becoming highly problematic, but as with any breed there are a few issues that potential owners need to be aware of. [...]

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