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Keeping Your Dalmatian Healthy

Dalmatians are not nearly as high maintenance as some other breeds but there are some things that owners must be aware of when they adopt one of these adorable dogs. Special concerns about diet and common health problems make it important that you be armed with information about the best ways to care for your pet. [h]Diet[/h] The food you choose to offer your Dalmatian is probably the single most important aspect of his care. The urinary tracts of these dogs are much like those of a human in that they have difficulty processing certain types of protein. [...]

Special Health Concerns of the Dalmatian

If you are considering adopting a Dalmatian there are some health issues that you should know about before you make your decision. Overall the Dalmatian is a healthy and hardy dog, but irresponsible breeding practices as well as natural genetic tendencies have resulted in some conditions that must be considered. [h]Deafness[/h] It has been estimated that about 8% of Dalmatians are born deaf and about 22% are only able to hear out of one ear. Research has suggested that the deafness is linked to the gene responsible for the Dalmatian's white coat. [...]

The Canaan dog It Is a High Tolerance Dog?

The Canaan dog is a very intelligent, sensitive, and independent dog. This dog got its origin in Israel and has through the years gained popularity in many other countries including the United States. The Canaan dog is a very versatile dog that excels in many sports and events such as herding, conformation, agility, obedience, and tracking. The Canaan is a very strong and independent dog that has a high tolerance rate for certain things and a low tolerance for others. [...]

Overcoming The Clumber Spaniel's Weight Problem

The Clumber Spaniel is a dog that has been breed for its hunting and agility. These dogs accompany hunters on foot for long excursions into the wooded areas to hunt or just to keep the hunter company. They are work dogs and sport dogs. In other words, the Clumbers are physical dogs and because of this they need to be exercised properly if they are to remain at a healthy weight. If these dogs do not receive enough exercise, chances are good that they will become overweight. This leads to serious health problems! Many of these problems can be overcome with proper exercise. [...]

Chihuahua Pitfalls and Problems

The world's smallest dog, the Chihuahua, may be very popular especially in the United States since the media fell in love with The Taco Bell Chihuahua in the 1990s, but they do have many medical, genetic and behavioral problems. Chihuahuas can suffer from a number of genetic and medical conditions. Before purchasing a Chihuahua trace the bloodline and buy your Chihuahua pup from a reputable breeder. You must also be prepared to invest substantial amounts of money for your dog's veterinarian care. [...]

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi That Is Overweight

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is prone to obesity. They need to have plenty of exercise and proper diet to maintain an ideal weight. If your Corgi becomes overweight, they will be susceptible to health problems. The puppy needs to have a place to be active such as outside in a medium sized yard. Even though they do need exercise, they should not be overworked. They have small legs and the distance they travel is double that of a larger dog in the same distance. They do need to walk, run and play, but when they are done that should be it for a while. [...]

Keeping a Pug Cool in the Summer

There are many steps that need to be taken to ensure pets are healthy, and this list changes from one pet to another. Pug dogs, for instance, have special needs during the warmer months of the year. During these periods with higher temperatures you need air conditioning, you need to get your air conditioner serviced so it does not stop working, and you need to know what to do in the event that your pug does become overheated. This article will take a look at all three. [...]

Preventing Allergies In Pugs

Pug dogs, like humans, can have allergies. Learning to avoid allergens and deal with these allergies is an essential part of keeping your pug happy. Some of the basics things to watch out for include chocolate, allergies to food and chemicals, and seasonal allergies. Being vigilant of allergies in your pug goes way beyond just allergy season. [h]The Chocolate Free Diet[/h] Pug dogs are allergic to chocolate. Aside from causing some discomfort, chocolate is actually toxic to these little guys. This is not just a matter of health problems due to weight gain or sugar. Consumption of chocolate can lead to the absolute worst. It is so toxic to pugs that chocolate can actually kill them. [...]

Keeping Your Toy Poodle Warm In The Cooler Months

All pet owners want to make sure that their pets stay healthy, and toy poodle owners have some special needs to keep in mind. In order to stay warm and, therefore, healthy, toy poodles must stay warm by staying indoors, taking special care when they are wet, and even getting the right haircut. This article will explain why each of these factors is important to maintaining a toy poodle's health. [h]Stay Inside[/h] During the cooler months of the year toy poodles should spend the majority of their time inside. The cool temperatures can have detrimental effects on their health. They are particularly susceptible to lower temperatures because of their size. By staying inside and avoiding the cold weather altogether, your toy poodle can lower the risk of illness or, in a worst case scenario, hypothermia. [...]

Legg-Perthe's disease: A Not-So-Hip Disorder

Among the many problems that can develop in a dog's hip joints is a condition known as Legg-Perthe's Disease, a disabling ailment that causes deterioration and flattening of the hip joint. In most dogs, the disease develops when the animal is between four and eight months old. Lameness can come on suddenly or else develop gradually over six to eight weeks. During this period of time the muscles begin to atrophy, giving the impression that the dog has one limb shorter than the others. There also will be noticeable restricted movement in the animal's joints. When the leg muscles become weakened through atrophy, it slows down the animal's recovery. [...]

Open Skull Bones May, May Not Be Sign of Deadly Disorder

Unfortunately, human beings aren't the only mammals to struggle with birth defects. One of the more serious problems that can affect canines is known as an "open fontanel," which occurs when the skull bones at the top of the head fail to close. The problem is often found in conjunction with hydrocephalus, which is a condition in which too much fluid is found within and around the brain, placing pressure on the brain and surrounding tissues. Often the head will appear dome-shaped, and the open fontanel is noticeable as a "soft spot" on the top of the dog's head. The fluid-filled spaces within the brain, known as ventricles, also become swollen. The increased pressure damages or prevents the development of brain tissue. [...]

Kneecap Knocks Can Be Hard on Your Small Dog

It's a scenario familiar to many pet owners - your dog is running across the yard chasing a ball or Frisbee, when in mid-stride he yelps in pain and yanks a hind leg off the ground. Moments later he's off again, but sporting a limp which goes away after 10 to 20 minutes. What your dog likely experienced here is a luxated patella, or in layman's terms, a dislocated kneecap. In a normal knee, the patella fits into a groove at the end of the femur (thigh bone), and slides up and down as the knee joint bends back and forth. It also acts as a protective cover for the knee joint. The joint's movement follows a limited track, guided by the grooves in the femur. [...]

Hip Dysplasia a Crippling Ailment for Many Large-Breed Dogs

Another of the common joint ailments that affect dogs, hip dysplasia is a disorder that is widely misunderstood. As with all human types of arthritis, some information is known, but many factors about the problem aren't yet fully understood. In normal, healthy dogs, the hip joint attaches the hind leg to the body, and consists of a ball-and-socket construction. The ball portion is located at the head of the femur, or thigh bone, while the socket is attached to the pelvis. In a normal joint, the ball rotates freely within the socket, and the spot where the two bones actually connect (the articular surface), is cushioned by spongy cartilage. The bones also are held together with a ligament and the joint capsule, a strong band of connective tissue which surrounds the dog's two leg bones, adding stability. [...]

OCD: A Leading Cause of Canine Arthritis, Joint Damage

Yet another of the many arthritic conditions that can disable your dog is one known as OCD, which stands for either osteochondritis dissecans or osteochondrosis dissecans. OCD is a disease that affects the cartilage - the spongy tissue that cushions the space between joints and allows them to work smoothly together. Anything that damages or erodes this cartilage can lead to arthritis, resulting in joint pain, swelling and lameness. In the case of OCD, the cartilage is either damaged or grows abnormally. Instead of remaining attached to the bone that it's cushioning, the cartilage either separates or develops cracks. Sometimes pieces of cartilage will break off and float freely within the joint itself, where they continue to grow. All three of these problems cause extreme pain for the affected animal. [...]

Degenerative Myelopathy: German Shepherds Most Prone to This Disabling Disease

Imagine the confusion and fear you'd be feeling if you were approaching your middle years and suddenly developed difficulty walking. The same bewilderment hits middle-aged dogs who have a progressive nerve disorder known as degenerative myelopathy (DM). The disease causes the dog to slowly lose coordination of its hind legs, which also become increasingly weak. It's caused by a deterioration of structures within the spinal cord that are responsible for transmitting nerve impulses. This degeneration can occur anywhere along the spinal column, but usually affects the lower back. Degenerative myelopathy is only found in dogs that are at least 5 years of age or older. The cause is not yet understood; although it's theorized that it could be related to an autoimmune response, in which the body immune system mistakenly attacks its own cells. [...]

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