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Lap Dog

Just What Is A "Teacup" Yorkie?

Commonly called a Yorkie, Yorkshire terriers, which originated in England, are a small breed of dog listed in the toy category. They have beautiful silky, long, blue coats and playful, fun terrier behavior. The average size for both male and females is from eight to nine inches and weigh up to seven pounds. The American Kennel Club places each dog breed into a group and Yorkshire terriers are in the toy group because of their small size. The AKC standard for Yorkshire terriers is seven pounds and under, and most in the show ring range from five to seven pounds. Within the Yorkshire terrier breed there are no sub-categories. [...]

Clips and Coat Styles for a Bichon Frise

Bichon Frises are curly little powderpuff lapdogs that do not shed so do require a lot of clipping and grooming to keep them looking their best. For owners that take their treasured pet to a groomer, ask to see pictures of the different clips and coat styles available for your Bichon Frise. Many dog-grooming salons keep a photo album with pictures of many of their doggy clients and the finished hair cut. [...]

Brussels Griffon: The Coachman's Friend

Many of today's popular purebred dogs got their start in the royal houses of monarchs around the world. This is especially true of many toy breeds which, being too small to provide any kind of practical use for farmers or other working commoners, found their niche in the laps of the nobility and royalty. However, this is not true of the Brussels Griffon. In fact, he is one of the few dogs of his tiny size that owes his popularity, inclusion, and reorganization in dog registries like the FCI and the AKC to both the royalty and the commoner. [...]

Introducing the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are quite a popular breed and if you are thinking of having one yourself, then as with most dogs it is much better to have one from a puppy. You should always make sure that you get your dog from a reputable breeder - either one recommended by someone you know or one recommended by the Kennel Club of Great Britain. All Cavalier breeders have to comply with a code of ethics and supply owners with certain information. [...]

Papillon Treatment

The only commonly reported problem with the Papillon, in regards to temperament, would be the breed's slight tendency towards timidness. In training, this timidness can make housebreaking a bit of a challenge, though far from an insurmountable one. Of course, unless this is countered early on, the Papillon will sometimes opt to mark spots of the house as their personal territory. This is definitely a setback, as the breed really is not capable of living a healthy life as an outside dog and absolutely must be housebroken for the sake of the owner's peace of mind. Luckily, this is the only common major hurdle in training the breed and most trainers will be able to stop the problem in its tracks without too much extra hassle. [...]

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