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Catahoula Leopard Dogs and Deafness

The worst genetic flaw that is associated with Catahoula Leopard dogs is deafness. This inherited flaw can range from deafness in one ear to totally deaf in addition to other health flaws such as blindness. For fanciers of the breed, there is a constant battle between those that believe that this flaw must be forcibly culled from the breeding program while others believe that there is no harm in allowing the trait to continue. In this article, we'll take a look at how deafness in Catahoula Leopard dogs can happen and what interested buyers can do to avoid purchasing a deaf dog. [...]

The Trials and Tribulations Of Skin Allergies In Dogs

One of the most frustrating issues with treating dogs with skin allergies is trying to determine exactly what is the source of the irritation, known as the allergen. For many dogs it is fleas, well not exactly the fleas themselves but the saliva they secrete as they bite and feed off the dog. There are many different allergens in flea saliva and these are considered to be some of the most problematic conditions for dogs as they are so concentrated even a single bite can cause irritation across a large part of the dog's skin. Food allergies are also very problematic for many dogs. Often these allergies are to gluten or wheat products in the food but they can also be from corn, preservatives and even flavorings and colorings used in the food. Since most commercially produced dog foods have the same ingredients, owners may need to go to a BARF or bones and raw foods or other natural type diet to eliminate the problematic ingredients from the dog's food. [...]

Spaying or Neutering a West Highland White Terrier

For first time dog buyers, the question of whether to spay or neuter their new dog is often at the forefront of their minds. There are those that feel strongly one way or another about the subject. In many cases, the decision is made for them because many reputable West Highland White Terrier breeders will only sell their puppies to those that will make the commitment to have the puppy spayed or neutered when it reaches the appropriate age. Of course there are exceptions to this rule, but many believe spaying or neutering is the ethical choice for responsible pet owners. In this article, we'll take a look at some the most frequent issues involved in spaying or neutering West Highland White Terriers. [...]

The Central Asian Ovtcharka and the Practice of Ear and Tail Docking

The Central Asian Ovtcharka traditionally has both its ears and tail docked; indeed, engravings and drawings dating back to Assyrian times shows dogs similar to today's Central Asian Shepherd with their ears and tails cut. Owners claim that this is due to the fact that these dogs often had to do battle with large predators, as well as prove themselves in dog fights. Natural ears and tails provided convenient locations for opponents to grab on and pull, causing damage. A major blood vessel runs through the ears of dogs and if the ear is bitten badly, this vessel could break; a great deal of blood could be lost and the dog could die. [...]

Vaccine Sensitive

The traditional practice of prevention and good health in your cat has always included annual vaccinations and booster shots. However, can a cat have too many vaccinations? What happens to cats that are vaccine sensitive? There is no doubt that scientific evidence show the benefits an immunized cat has to ward off such diseases as Feline Leukemia, Parvo, Feline Distemper, and more. Remember the old adage, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Of course you want to keep your cat healthy, free of disease, happy and in turn prolong his life. Vaccines save lives. There are fewer cases of Panleukopenia (Feline Distemper) among the feline population because of the wonders of vaccines. Nevertheless just as humans can be allergic to certain vaccines, so can felines. Vaccine sensitive cats can be allergic to any number of substances within a particular vaccine; antibodies, stabilizers and so forth. [...]

A Dog For People With Allergies

The PON is a longhaired mid-size breed dog. Technically, the fur does not shed and this is good for people with allergies. However, it does tend to pick up water, mud, leaves, and any other things that are outside the home. Since the PON must be exercised daily, if you have allergies, this dog should be kept away from any areas with weeds that might stick to the hair and be brought into the home. Other than that, the breed really doesn't shed, as such, the coat merely mats and needs to be groomed regularly to keep in good condition. [...]

Dental problems: Plaque Buildup, Tartar Problems

The number one problem in cats over the age of five are dental related. Many of these problems can be avoided with proper dental care. Like humans, cats have baby teeth first and then adult teeth afterward. They usually get their first set of teeth around two to four weeks of age. The mother cat will start to wean her kittens once they start biting which is roughly around four weeks of age. The adult set of teeth usually comes in around four to six months. A cat has thirty teeth in a full set of adult teeth, which include: pre-molars and molars, canines and incisors. [...]

Ear Cropping for Boxers

A sensitive topic in many boxer communities, ear cropping was once considered to be more or less standard practice but in recent years has fallen into disfavor as being cruel and potentially dangerous to the dogs. Both sides of the argument raise several valid points, and when it comes down to it whether or not to crop the ears of a boxer remains a matter of the owner's preference. Here are some of the main arguments both for and against ear cropping so as to help you to make the decision as to what's right for your boxer puppy. [...]

The Welsh Terrier and Allergic Skin Conditions

Welsh Terriers are relatively healthy dogs, though they may be prone to allergic reactions; actually dogs in general tend to be highly susceptible to a variety of allergic reactions. And while people often get runny noses and watery eyes when suffering from allergies, dogs will develop skin problems. A dog suffering from allergies may display an unhealthy looking coat, either in texture or in length, he may obsessively scratch and chew at his itchy skin, or he may develop things called hot spots. [...]

Birth Difficulties

Very few people can resist a cute and cuddly kitten, only very few people want to keep that kitten after it has grown into a full grown cat. Cats and kittens end up in animal shelters or are discarded on roads, or simply left to become feral cats outdoors. Therefore one could say that the first birth difficulty is actually finding suitable permanent homes for cats before you cat actually gets pregnant. Felines are very fertile creatures, with the average cat having five or six kittens in each litter. Some breeds are inclined to have bigger litters. From the time your cat is five months old, she will be in and out of heat from January to October with a reprieve in November and December for pet owners living in Europe and North America. [...]


The two reasons for the inability to hear or deafness in cats is conduction and neurological problems. Conduction anomalies are associated with the structures of the ear. The outer ear is known as the Pinna, then there is the Tympanic membrane which is the eardrum, the ear canal, and the middle ear which is also called the auditory ossicles. Neurological problems can occur in the brain, inner ear, or the auditory nerve. There is unilateral deafness implying that one ear is involved or bilateral deafness involving both ears. [...]


Feline diarrhea is a problem of loose or messy stools and originates in the small or large intestine. Diarrhea is also one of the most common reasons for a cat owner to visit a veterinarian. More often then not diarrhea is a symptom of another underlying problem. [h]Types of Diarrhea and Location[/h] [-]Sudden diarrhea originating in the small intestine gives the cat an urgency to defecate. It usually lasts for about 48 hours and then clears up on its own. Often when the cat has bouts of diarrhea it will lose its appetite as well.[/-] [-]Chronic diarrhea in the small intestine is a large amount of watery stool that is a brownish color. Sometimes it takes on a blackish color if there is blood in the stool. It usually last for about a week at a time.[/-] [...]

Ear Wax Buildup

Healthy cats will have clean ears. The inside of the ear will be pink and odor free. They will not have scratches or hair loss around the ears nor will they have ear wax buildup inside of the ear. The first acute sense in a cat is the sense of sight, while the second is sound. Their sense of sound is magnified compared to humans. A feral cat must be able to hear vermin running across the field to alert it that it is time for dinner. The sense of sound develops about the second week of life so that a baby kitten can hear its mother purring. When the inside of the ear is unhealthy it could be caused by a fungal infection or ear mites. The signs include extremely red ears, dark discharge or ear wax buildup. [...]

Eye Drainage

Several conditions can lead to your cat having eye drainage. The cat will secrete anything from thin and watery, to thick and postulant, and from clear in color to yellowish or greenish. These conditions are caused by inflammation, infections, such as the flu and evasion of viruses. Sometimes it is caused by an inherited gene or a malfunction of the tear glands that cause eye drainage. The most common condition for the drainage of the eye is called runny eye. Certain breeds of cats are more prone to leaky eyes than others. [h]Causes[/h] [-]Runny eyes can be caused by the over production of tears. Tears are produced normally to keep the lining of the eye moist. The tears then flow into the tear ducts making their way into the nose. But if there is a problem, the tears will spill onto the face and that is how we determine a cat has runny eyes. [...]

Eye Scratches

It is very common for a veterinarian to see cats coming into her office with red eyes. Red eye may or may not be painful, but cat owners often observe that their cat has been pawing at his eye or face. Often time there is redness and swelling in the inner eyelid known as the conjunctiva, when this condition occurs it is called chemosis. The cause of chemosis or simply conjunctiva is due to an irritation, a foreign substance that has made its way into the inner eyelid and lodged there. It could be dust or a piece of hair. Any foreign substance would make the eye irritated and inflamed. Occasionally the ulcers can penetrate into deeper areas of the cornea and then your cat is at risk for the ruptures in the eye and causing complete eyesight. [...]

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