Obedience Training
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Obedience Training

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Fila Brasileiro As A Bodyguard

The Fila Brasileiro makes a fine bodyguard. It is completely loyal to its owner and has a naturally suspicious nature towards strangers. If you want a dog that will put your security needs first, this dog will be more than happy to comply. It was originally bred as a guard dog for livestock, but this devotion carries through to the owner and the owner's household. The breed's characteristics give it a good sense of smell and a powerful and intimidating appearance. [...]

Training the Standard Schnauzer

The Standard Schnauzer is a canine that needs firm training. They are very intelligent and can learn quickly, but they will challenge authority. An owner must clearly show or demonstrate to the Standard Schnauzer that they, the human, is the boss-not the dog with the human brain. The Standard Schnauzer will display a strong will or temperament. They can have an obstinate nature that will challenge you at every turn. The trainer or owner must be firm and unyielding. They must demand respect from this dog. [...]

Drooling, Howling and the Black and Tan Coonhound

Pytalism, or excessive drooling, is common in the Black and Tan Coonhound. Their extra loose and floppy jowls do not do much to keep the slobber inside their mouths. For some, this is an endearing trait; for others, it can be a nuisance. However, drooling is every bit a part of this breed as its tail and little can be done to stop it. Plus, this trait very much plays a part in the Black and Tan Coonhound's extraordinary ability to track scents. It is said that much can be told about a person by the way they deal with their Coonhound's drool. [...]

Samoyed Training Issues

The Samoyed is a Northern breed, and among other things, this means that training them presents a unique challenge. This is not to say that the Samoyed is "difficult" to train; rather, they simply require a different approach than a dog who is more inclined to readily accept textbook training techniques than they are. Their willful and stubborn attitude has given many people the impression that Samoyeds are stupid. This couldn't be further from the truth! A Samoyed is a very highly intelligent dog and as such, any training regimen that you try to put them through had better appeal to their sense of curiosity and low threshold for boredom or else you're setting yourself up for failure. With a dog as intelligent as the Samoyed, variety is critical. Never focus on the same aspect of training for more than maybe half an hour at a time or you will simply exhaust the Samoyed's attention span and end up frustrating both yourself and your dog. Keep things exciting by teaching multiples tricks or commands at the same time and alternating between them throughout the course of a single training session. And remember, once it learns a command, the Samoyed will rarely forget. [...]

The Beagle Howl

Beagles, like all hound dogs, have been bred to vocalize while on the hunt; these vocalizations helped keep the hunter aware of the dog's position and let the hunter know whether the Beagle was chasing its prey or whether the prey had been caught. People who love the breed tend to find Beagle vocalizations endearing and entertaining, while others are not so pleased by all the loud noise such a little dog can make. Beagles are not dogs that bark incessantly all day, like many toy breeds, but they are hard-wired to sound alerts; usually, these alerts were sounded when prey was sighted, but with Beagles who have never been on the hunt, many things may trigger the alert, such as dust, a car back firing, a shadow or the wind slamming a door shut. [...]

Basic Commands and Dog Obedience

It is important to teach your puppy and young dog some basic commands that are used in obedience training or just to have a well-behaved dog no matter where you may choose to take your dog. These commands are simple and are not difficult for most puppies and dogs to learn provided they are given lots of practice and time to learn. Remember that each dog, regardless of breed characteristics, is an individual. Each dog or puppy will learn some things more quickly than others, and some dogs, regardless of what the breed is known for, may just not have the characteristic or ability. Keeping this in mind will help owners from being frustrated with their puppy or dog. Look for the things that your dog is good at or excels at and don't expect them to learn every other trick that you have seen a dog of their breed do. [...]

Obedience Training and Competitions

Obedience training is one of the most popular of all the various dog and puppy classes offered in most areas. Obedience training helps both dogs and owners work with each other as well as increase the bond between the people in the family and the dogs. Many people mistakenly believe that obedience training is an attempt to break a dog's spirit or to make them submissive, when in fact the effect of obedience training is to allow the dog and owner to work better together, ultimately allowing the dog more freedom. Obedience training will help prevent or minimize behavior problems in puppies or dogs before they ever get started. Many breeders, vets and animal behaviouralists recommend that puppies get started in obedience classes as soon as possible after completing their final set of puppy vaccinations, typically just after 12 weeks of age. [...]

Training A Dog With Hand Signals

Training a dog with hand signals works well for some breeds and dogs, but not as well for other dogs and breeds. It is important to keep things in mind if you have a toy breed or a breed that has partially obstructed vision due to long hair on the face or even a dog that has poor eyesight, hand signals may be more challenging to teach. Dogs that are highly distracted and puppies that are not able to focus will usually need additional training before starting hand signal training. Some breeds are very easy to teach hand signals and these typically include the gun dogs and herding breeds that have a natural instinct for a particular type of work or activity as well as an ability to understand hand signals and respond. [...]

Biting and Mouthing

There are two aspects that are important to consider in biting and mouthing type behaviors in dogs. The first component is the age of the dog or puppy, and the second is the reason that the dog or puppy is engaging in these behaviors in the first place. There are several normal reasons why a dog or puppy might chew or bite, and then there are some abnormal or serious issues that may be causing this behavior. One of the most serious of the health related issues for dogs biting and mouthing includes a condition known as Pica. Pica is defined as the eating of inedible objects and may be related to nutritional deficiencies, bad habits, boredom or attention seeking behaviors. It is important to take your adult dog to the vet if you notice pica type behaviors and have a full check-up completed to see if there are any health related conditions that may need treatment. [...]

African Boerboels and Children

One of the reasons the African Boerboel is increasing in popularity all over the world is its reputation as a wonderful family dog that is good with children. This doesn't mean, however, that a Boerboel can be left in a room with small children without supervision. This breed may be known as kid friendly, but new owners will still have a bit of work ahead of them to make sure both dogs and kids can play together safely. Whether you're concerned about integrating a Boerboel into your family, you intend to expand your family in the near future, or are concerned about visiting children, here are a few tips to make sure your Boerboel and children will get along. [...]

Boerboels and Training

African Boerboels are well loved for their abilities to be excellent family dogs and guard dogs at the same time, but they don't come pre-programmed with these traits. All Boerboels need to have effective training in order to grow up to be the best dogs they can be. Good training needs to start when the Boerboel is just a puppy, and if it is put off until the dog is eighteen to two years of age, the dog has finished developing its personality and it will be very difficult to change most of the bad habits it has learned in its life. Even unintentionally bad training will be difficult to reverse if left off too long. [...]

Living with the Dominant Boerboel

One of the concerns that some people have with the African Boerboel is whether or not it is considered to be a dominant dog. The truth is that most Boerboels are indeed dominant to some degree, but that doesn't mean that they can't learn their place and become an important part of the family. In order to train your Boerboel to accept his place in the family, it is important to understand why dogs need the ever important obedience training from an early age. Dogs that have been overindulged or never disciplined correctly are often said to "walk all over" their owners, but they are really only displaying their natural tendency to try to be the "leader of the pack." [...]

Boerboels and Aggression

Those that are thinking about adopting an African Boerboel may be concerned about aggression. Like other members of the mastiff family, this large dog does have aggressive tendencies, but these are usually manifested through poor breeding and training. Over the years, the Boerboel's purpose in life has been that of a protector rather than a fighter, but this breed also happens to be among the most dominant of dogs. Here we'll take a look at what factors can cause a Boerboel to be aggressive and what you can do to make sure your Boerboel grows up without aggression. For centuries, the Boerboel was the traditional working dog for Afrikaners in South Africa. Their duties primarily consisted of guarding the women and children while the men worked in the fields, as well as hunting small game from time to time. While the guarding instinct has always been very natural in the dogs, often appearing as early as eight weeks, they have never in their history been bred solely for fighting. [...]

Obedience Training A Toy Fox Terrier

Perhaps one of the greatest problems with toy breeds and one that has certainly earned some of the breeds a bad reputation is that owners simply don't exert the effort into training tiny dogs that they would in training a medium or large sized dog. Perhaps too the people that own toy dogs would not select a larger breed and see a toy dog as more of a companion rather than as an animal that needs to be well behaved, obedience trained and socialized. Not training your Toy Fox Terrier is not good for your dog; they actually do excel at obedience and other events and take pride in a job well done for their owner. [...]

German Pinscher : A True Athlete Among Dogs

The German Pinscher is the picture of an athletic dog, even if he or she is not in active training. They have a natural muscular appearance without appearing cobby or awkward and this appearance is definitely enhanced by their ease of movement and their springy and free flowing gait. They just seem to be natural athletes, which they are without a doubt. Although German Pinschers have only been in the United States for a very short period of time and the German Pinscher Club of America has only been in the American Kennel Club since 2002, the breed is off to a terrific start in achieving high honors in several AKC sponsored events. The German Pinscher can be found in such diverse competitive events as tracking, obedience, agility and a relatively new type of event known as rally. Each of these events and competitions allows the German Pinscher to really show his or her athletic ability but also highlights the breed's working dog heritage as well as their intelligence and connection to their human handlers. [...]

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