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Introducing a New Pet to Your Afghan Hound

If you are the owner of an Afghan hound adding a new pet to your family will have to be carefully considered. Not all animals are well suited to share a home with this breed of dog, particularly animals that are much smaller than he is. Before you bring home that furry new bundle of joy, there are some things you need to think about. [...]

Caring for an Australian Terrier with Diabetes

Common symptoms of diabetes in your Australian terrier include increased thirst and water consumption and excessive, frequent urination. [...]

Caring for an Australian Shepherd

Many people think that having a dog is a lot of work. However, if you have a pet for a companion, it is no work at all. In fact, you will think of your Australian Shepherd like a child of your own. One thing that many people have problems with once getting an Australian Shepherd is how to care for them. [...]

Benefits Of Dogs For Older Adults

For a lot of older adults or senior citizens, living alone is a simple fact of life. Even if they are still living with family members often they may feel isolated or not up to all the activities that are going on in the family. For seniors that are caring for a spouse or loved one with poor health, it can be a very stressful and difficult time. It almost seems backwards that the "golden" years are often the most challenging, since they are supposed to be a time to relax, sit back, and just enjoy ourselves. [...]

Minimizing Christmas Chaos

While Christmas festivities and opportunities for visiting with old friends and family members are great for people, they are often incredibly stressful for dogs. In reality many people also feel a lot of stress at this time, which is further communicated to their pets through changes in tone of voice, body language and even typical behaviors. [...]

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