Skin Conditions
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Skin Conditions

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The Myths About Mange

While most people call any type of hair loss, itching and sores or inflammation on the skin of a dog mange, there are actually three different types of mange that can be problematic for dogs and dog owners. Mange is actually caused by one of three types of mites that are so small they cannot be seen with the naked eye. These microscopic trouble makers can live either in the skin or the hair follicle of the dog, depending on the type of mite that they are. There are two types of mange mites, the sarcoptic mange mite and the demodex canis mite, that can pass between dogs or puppies to humans and other pets in the house. The sarcoptic mange mite is very contagious but the demodex mange mite is rarely transferred between dogs and humans, but it can occur under the right conditions. [...]

Yeast Dermatitis Is A Nasty Skin Condition

Yeast dermatitis or yeast infections, more formally known as Malessezia Dermatitis, can occur on almost any type, age or breed or dog. Most commonly it is found on dogs with double coats where the ideal warm, moist environments for the yeast to grow and spread are naturally more optimal. However, even short haired and single coated breeds of dogs do get yeast dermatitis under the right conditions. All dogs have some yeast present on their skin at all times. During times of stress, during allergic reactions or even during different phases of the reproductive cycle the skin may produce additional oils, which lead to an ideal growth medium for the yeast. Dogs with naturally oily skin or with existing skin conditions such as seborrhea are the most likely candidates to develop yeast dermatitis. Since seborrhea may be caused by several factors it is very important to work closely with the vet to try to determine the cause of the excessive oil production. [...]

External Parasites Can Be Controlled

There are several different types of external parasites that can easily find a great place to live, feed and grow right on your horse. Good parasite control is simple, relatively low cost, and can prevent many types of anemia, secondary bacterial infections and even discomfort for your horse. Most external parasites that feed and live on horses also can affect other animals, including humans, so keeping your stables and horses free from parasites is helpful in several ways. Some of the most common external parasites found on horses are mites. These small, microscopic parasites can live on the skin, under the skin or in the hair follicles themselves. Each type of mite will cause itching and discomfort for the horse as well as allergic reactions to the toxins they produce. Hair loss and secondary bacterial infections due to scratching and licking are often the first signs of a mite infection. Mites can also live in the ears and will cause a dry, scabby look to the ears and cause a dark, foul smelling waxy discharge from the ears. While not fatal themselves, a severe mite infection in an already compromised horse can be life-threatening. [...]

Health Considerations For City Dogs

Dogs that reside in the city are, by very location, more exposed to a variety of health concerns and conditions than dogs that are kept in more suburban and rural areas. This is largely due to the proximity factor with city dogs being in closer quarters with each other. In some cases this even includes being in apartment buildings where air is circulated between apartments, potentially leading to the spread of airborne viruses and bacteria within buildings and complexes that simply doesn't occur in single family dwellings or in areas where dogs are further apart. [...]

Sunburns, Skin Problems and The Summer Season

Most dog breeds are well protected from the vast majority of issues with sunburns due to their heavy coats. However, changing the coat through clipping, trimming and even breeding for specific coat types can make some dogs more likely to develop sunburn than others. Any long haired or double coated dog that is significantly clipped, especially in the very short puppy or sport type clips, may be at risk for sunburn. This is particularly true if the dog is light or pink skinned as this type of skin burns much more significantly than black skin or very dark skin colorations. [...]

Is a Greyhound The Right Breed For Me?

The Greyhound is such an elegant, refined, gentle and almost artistic looking dog that many people long to own one as a pet. While these are certainly characteristics of the well trained, socialized and exercised Greyhound, there is also another side to the breed as well. Many potential owners don't consider the possible challenges to owning these dogs until they actually have one in the home. Knowing all aspects of the temperament and traits of the Greyhound can help determine if you are committed to the lifelong care of this wonderful breed of dog. [...]

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