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Articles > Keywords > Snoring


Why Do Bulldogs Snore?

The Bulldog is a very wonderful dog to have as a pet. They get along with everyone, but they especially love being around children. From the time they enter your home, it will feel like they are one of the family. In many ways, it will seem like there is another person in your home. You will especially feel this way at night when you hear your new bulldog snoring. Yes, bulldogs do indeed snore. [...]

The Personal Habits of the English Toy Spaniel

The English Toy Spaniel, also known as the Charlie, has many diverse personal habits. Some of these habits could be endearing and some of them could be annoying to the owner. [...]

The Boxer - The Right Breed For Me?

Every breed of dog has families and situations that it is best suited for, and families and situations that would be challenging if not impossible for the dog to thrive in given the natural traits and behaviors of the breed. Choosing a dog simply because you like the breed is very often the biggest issue when it comes to ending up with a challenging situation for the owner and the dog rather than a positive match. The outstanding personality of the Boxer makes it a good match for a wide variety of living and family situations, however their intelligence, boundless energy and outgoing and somewhat dominant personality also make them a less like candidate for other types of families and home. [...]

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