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Improving Your Bull Terrier's Temperament

Bull Terriers are definitely a bundle of energy, so they are not the perfect pet for first time owners or for those who do not have enough time to spend interacting with their dogs. For those who like to shower their pets with attention and love playing around with them, the Bull Terrier's mannerly, frolicsome, happy, and pleasant temperament is ideal. As Bull Terriers are happiest with people around, this breed might not take kindly to owners who are always absent, but they may adapt themselves well if the household is supportive and highly interactive when there are people around. [...]

Bulldogs and Families with Children Do They Get Along?

The bulldog is probably the one dog that people are mistaken about more than any other. From their history of being bred and used for bull baiting - where they would attack and drag a bull - they've had the reputation for being mean and aggressive, but in fact nothing could be further from the truth. The British bulldog is a wonderful and gentle dog that makes a great family pet. [...]

British Bulldog: Evolving From a Fighter Dog to a Family Dog

The British Bulldog has for many years had the reputation for being an aggressive dog, often making people fear the dog. This goes back to their days of being used for chasing and attacking cows and bulls for their owners. They had the task of grabbing them by the legs and making sure they were brought home. In addition, they were trained to pen them in the corner so they couldn't move. Their job was also to bait the bulls, grab them by the nose and pin them to the ground. Although this was later considered cruel and inhumane, this is how the dog got their name. This led to people believing the dog was not only aggressive but mean as well. [...]

Training The Dogue de Bordeaux, Police Work

The Dogue de Bordeaux also referred to as a French Mastiff has gained popularity and respect as a well trained police dog. The history of the breed refers to the dog as a bodyguard, watchdog and a tracker of bear, bulls and other animals. Because of the nature of the dog, it makes an excellent police dog. The training is similar to other breeds except the Dogue de Bordeaux is so large, extra measures are taken in training. In order for this breed to train for police work, they need to have proper puppy training. Understanding and learning the basic dog commands and obedience training is important. [...]

The Dogue de Bordeaux Breed Needs Obedience Training Starting As A Puppy

The Dogue de Bordeaux is a beautiful and loving dog, but they need to have training as a puppy. Because the breed is so large, a puppy that is not started in a training program as early as six weeks old can become an uncontrollable adult. Your puppy needs to learn housebreaking, manners, socialization and obedience. A dog of this statute needs training so the owner or handler has complete control of the dog. The first two areas to work with are respect training and housebreaking. After you have this training and the Dogue de Bordeaux understands your commands, goes outdoors to the bathroom and has manners, you are on to the obedience training. [...]

The Chesapeake Bay Retriever and Suitable Living

Getting a dog is a responsibility that involves many changes in your life as well as work and dedication. Before you decide to get a dog, be sure that you are willing to make the commitment required for this life long investment. One important factor to keep in mind is suitable living for your dog. If you are one of the lucky people about to get a Chesapeake Bay retriever, there are some important factors you need to consider. [...]

The Temperament of the Chesapeake Bay Retriever

The Chesapeake Bay retriever is known for its sunny and cheerful disposition - much like their cousin, the Labrador retriever. When they are swimming with the family or out retrieving game, their face almost has the appearance of a smile. They have what is referred to as a "quiet sense" about them, meaning they may be very quiet as far as making noise and barking, but they are always paying attention to what is going on and watching over the family. They are used by many hunters not only as a hunting dog but also a wonderful life-long companion. They make a wonderful companion for children with their quiet and loyal personality. [...]

Training a Chesapeake Bay Retriever

Training a dog is probably the most time consuming yet rewarding thing you will do with your dog. Each dog is different and what works for one dog won't necessarily work for another. Most of the training techniques are similar for all dogs, but there may be some variations depending on the dog. Dogs, like humans, each have their own personality and must be treated as such. [...]

The Chow Chow as a Pet

Here are some useful and interesting ways to enjoy your Chow Chow pet: [...]

The Chow Chow Temperament

It has been said that the Chow Chow will die for his master but not readily obey him; walk with him but not trot meekly to heel; honor him but not fawn on his friends and relations. [...]

Training a Kooikerhondje - A Sensitive Breed of Dog

There is a lot more to think about when getting a dog than just getting him or her a bowl to eat out of and some food to go in it. The Kooikerhondje breed of dog is no exception. Kooikerhondjes, puppies especially, need to be toilet trained, house trained, and, depending on their age and the environment they came from, trained not to bite. Let's take a look at how some of this can be accomplished. [...]

Cautionary Tales of the Akbash

There are a few things that an owner should be aware of before he or she purchases a purebred Akbash puppy. For starters, the owner should know the breed's tendencies for aggression and how to curb these problems. The owner should be aware of and look out for any food-related issues the dog may have; food aggression is quite common in Akbash dogs, and the behavior should be dealt with accordingly. Dominance aggression is also a big issue for Akbash dogs, and the owner should watch for signs of this and immediately correct any related behaviors to prevent the furthering of the behavior and eventual canine dominance. [...]

Training your Alaskan Malamute

An Alaskan Malamute is intelligent, yet stubborn, which explains why it has a tendency to disobey orders. If you are planning to own an Alaskan Malamute, you may expect that training this breed of dog can be quite a challenge. While it is very adept at learning new things, it may or may not repeat what it has learned after some time because it tends to get tired of repetitions easily. The Alaskan malamute prefers new methods of training from time to time, and the owner has to constantly come up with new ideas to get it interested. [...]

English Cocker Spaniel Training Tips For Hunting

The first training session for hunting starts as a puppy. This includes the basic commands for retrieve, recall, stay, sit, and up. These commands are necessary for a good hunting dog. The English Cocker Spaniel is a natural bird dog. Without the proper commands, the safety of the hunter and the dog could be compromised. The training should be done on a daily basis until the puppy is fully aware of what they are to do for every command. [...]

Which Associations Recognize the Alaskan Malamute Breed?

The Alaskan Malamute is considered the oldest breed of sled dog. It is a strong and courageous dog with phenomenal endurance, and it has served as a freighting dog for many years. Today, it is one of the favorite breeds among dog owners, and it is widely recognized around the world. Some of the major associations that recognize the Alaskan Malamute are the FCI, AKC, UKC, KCGB, CKC, NKC, NZKC, CKC, APRI, ACR and others. [...]

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