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Articles > Keywords > Vomiting



Vomiting in cats is a fairly common occurrence and can be caused from numerous reasons from the most benign to more serious medical conditions. Most cats will occasionally vomit and that should not cause reason for concern but if the cat continuously vomits it is always wise to consult a veterinarian. We all know that old adage, it is better to be safe than to be sorry. If your cat's eating patterns have changed and you notice lethargy or any type of behavioral change then it is better to have that checked out at once. [h]Hairballs[/h] One of the most common reasons for vomiting is the expulsion of hairballs, which accumulate in the cat's gut. Cats clean themselves by licking their fur, some of this fur will shed and they ingest it. If this fur does not go through the proper digestive process down the digestive track and out through their stools, they will cough it up. [...]

Digestive Disorders

Dogs, like people, can have sensitive stomachs that are easily upset or they can literally be able to eat anything without having any troubles at all. Some breeds are known for having problems with digestion and if you have a dog that does seem to be very sensitive to changes in foods or with problems with vomiting or diarrhea it is important to talk to your vet immediately to determine if this is just a simple food related problem or if it may be the signs of problems such as worms or more serious health conditions. Most puppies and dogs will have some problems when types, amounts and even brands of foods are being changed or adjusted. Typically these conditions include food refusal, diarrhea and excessive flatulence. While unpleasant, there is little that can be done to correct these issues until the dog's digestive system has adjusted to the new food, which can take as little as two or three days or as long as a week or more. One way to minimize the chance of these conditions occurring is to very gradually change foods, rather than just suddenly feeding a new food or brand. [...]


Warm and hot weather safety for their dogs is something that all owners should know and understand as it could save their pets life. Regardless of where you live, summertime brings warmer temperatures, longer daylight hours and the need to understand and practice heatstroke safety for your dog. It is your responsibility as a dog owner to protect your pet and make sure that it does not get overheated or suffer any negative effects or even worse, death from the summer heat. [...]

Food That Is Bad For Your Dog

Perhaps not surprisingly people feed their beloved dogs and companion pets a variety of foods that are not really healthy or may even be downright poisonous. They do this not because they are uncaring owners but because they may not understand the nutritional problems they are causing. Most people care a very great deal about their dog's health and really want to see their pet as happy as possible, which is where the dog's diet sometimes gets a bit dangerous. [...]

Digestive Problems And Dog Food

Although commercially made dog food is designed to provide appropriate levels of nutrition for generally healthy dogs, there are some dogs that will have minor to severe digestive problems when on any type of commercial food. Luckily for most owners this is not true for all dogs, but there are some breeds that do have more sensitive digestive tracts. Dogs that are known to have digestive problems within the breed itself include: [...]

Dangerous Bulbs and Garden Plants

In the spring there is often a great interest in setting up and planting beautiful flower gardens that are going to provide the family with lovely floral arrangements and outdoor attractions throughout the growing season. In addition flowers in the yard, garden and patio add to the wildlife in your outdoor space as butterflies, colorful insects and even hummingbirds are all likely to drop by for a visit. [...]

Christmas Dangers In Your Home

It is difficult to imagine that some of our beautiful Christmas decorations, plants and even the delicious Christmas meal and treats may in fact pose health risks to our dogs and cats. In reality a great number of the human holiday traditional types of decorations and plants are in fact very likely to cause illness, injury or even death. Keeping your dog safe over the holiday season doesn't mean getting rid of all your traditions and displays, but it does mean you can be aware of the issues and be proactive in keeping your dog safe over the holidays. [...]

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