seizure disorders
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Articles > Keywords > seizure disorders

Seizure Disorders

Canine Seizure Disorders: A Guide for You and Your Dog

As in humans, canine seizures are defined by a repeated, involuntary behavior or movement with an unapparent stimulus. They are typically broken down into three different classifications that are treated and handled differently. Generalized, or grand mal seizures are by far the most common type. Grand mal seizures usually involve the entire body and are typified by the often seen cyclical stiffening and contracting of the muscles, over and over again, alternately. The victim of a grand mal seizure usually loses consciousness. Partial seizures are those seizures which originate from a very specific area of the brain and as such manifest only in a very specific area of the body. A twitching limb or spasming eyes might be a sign of partial seizures. [...]

Health Concerns With Irish Setters

The setters, as a dog type, are some of the showiest of the sporting breeds if not of all the breeds. The Irish Setter is one of the most recognizable and beautiful dogs with its distinctive red coat, fringed tail and beautiful calm and friendly expression. The Irish Setter is a very popular family dog and is typically a fairly long lived dog with an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years. Some Irish Setters may live longer and they remain a very active breed well into their senior years. [...]

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