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A great way to inform and better protect you from scammers

The below is from a Scammer! Some of the emails may not look like scams, but they all lead to the same thing. The scammer will pay by check (cashier's check/money order) for more then the pet is worth, then they will ask you to send them back the difference in money. A couple weeks later you find out the check was fake and the bank will take it out of your account. This scam can be set up several ways.

Some key points for pointing out a scammer:
1. Doesn't care much about the pet, just the transaction.
2. Says they will use their own shipper.
3. 95% of the scammers are from overseas (Nigeria, Israel, South Africa)
4. Pays you more then the pet is worth, then asks for the difference in money back.

Email: w54414412354865@hotmail.com
Date Caught: 7/16/2013
IP Address:
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Overt deficiencies of vitamins B1 and B2 are known to cause special forms of dermatitis (a kind of skin inflammation). A very special Istanbul hotel is Pera Palace where Agatha Christie wrote ‘Murder on the Orient Express�and international spies like Mata Hari met to conspire. In either case, if the end goal is reached it’s nothing more than an empty, Pyrrhic victory. The small rise compared to the Canary Islands isn't too much of a surprise as Menorca has a season that traditionally is at its peak early May to end September, but is now trying to extend that from mid April to mid October. It is a good technique to decorate not only tops, but pants and skirts, as well as caps and shoes. You don't have to be in a tropical area or planning a trip to Hawaii to enjoy the style. Ovarian cancer? No conclusive evidence that coffee/caffeine consumption increases [url=http://www.bostonbruinsfansstore.com/stanley-cup-tim-thomas-authentic-jersey/]Tim Thomas Womens Jersey[/url] the risk of ovarian cancer. Johnny Ray just brings his living presence to the campfire and it as real and intense as the flame itself, which draws out the darkest secrets of a powerful big city surgeon. I point the finger right back myself in this instance in reference to my Election Night invitation. "For God so loved the Auriga, a software R&D services house serving US and EU customers, is proud to announce that it has been named #15 in The 2010 Black Book of Outsourcing's prestigious "Global Top 50 Vendors" list by Datamonitor.Lowering your annual mileage can reduce your premium,most insurance companies will quote you for around 12,000 miles a year. [url=http://www.bostonbruinsfansstore.com/stanley-cup-johnny-boychuk-authentic-jersey/]Johnny Boychuk Jersey[/url] Once you have [url=http://www.bostonbruinsfansstore.com/stanley-cup-ray-bourque-authentic-jersey/]Ray Bourque Authentic Jersey[/url] found an acne treatment that helps you accomplish this, it's important to stick with it. Reason being that the women would not be able to celebrate freely; that is removing their headscarves, dance their sensuous traditional dances and be generally free when men are watching. Cyclomancy has survived as the popular party kissing game “spin the bottle� or in a combination of ‘Truth or Dare� In this variation, the spinner gets to ask the person whom the bottle points to an intimate, personal question.

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