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For Sale

Samoyeds: The Friendliest Breed

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Tags: Samoyed, Family Breeds

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Littlestown, PA

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Samoyeds have such a reputation for friendliness that in many circles they've even been called "the friendliest breed". Indeed, there is something about the Samoyed nature that immediately puts one at ease. Even people who are normally threatened by the presence of big dogs can feel comfortable around a Samoyed because of their gentle demeanor and ever-present smile. Just how much of this reputation, however, is in accord with the truth and which is just propaganda?

There's no denying that the average Samoyed is a friendly creature. They demand affection and love to be included in large groups, not particularly caring whether the group is made up of people or animals, so long as they get to be involved in some activity and are given lots of attention. As such, Samoyeds that are left outside on their own might easily fall into a depressive state that will override their natural demeanor and make them appear less friendly. Thus, if you value the Samoyed's happy-go-lucky demeanor, it's important to appeal to their pack sensibilities and ensure that they are being given enough attention at all times.

It's interesting to note that the Samoyed is unique among dogs in that they possess no natural odor and seem to be able to shed both acquired odors and stains very easily without human intervention. This ability to fit in with the pack by maintaining good personal hygeine may well have something to do with the Samoyed's favorable reputation among people who have encountered one.

The Samoyed's charming personality is only enhanced by a unique characteristic of this breed: the "Samoyed smile". This refers to the fact that a Samoyed's face is constructed in such a way that it seems as if they're constantly smiling. Whether this is the case or not, there's no doubt that possessing a human-centric viewpoint as we do, it's impossible to look at the Samoyed and not see a smile. This also probably contributes in some way to their reputation as the friendliest breed.

While the Samoyed's friendliness is usually a highly prized asset of the breed, it could in some cases prove to be a liability. The Samoyed is probably the most unsuitable breed there is for guard duty, as they do not interpret strangers as a threat. Rather, they see them as an opportunity to make a new friend and as someone that they can potentially play with. While they might bark and scare away some intruders, they'll be barking from excitement rather than as a concentrated effort to defend you or your home.

All in all, the Samoyed's long-standing history of loyalty and their place in the modern world as one of the most accepting and accommodating of the "big dogs" certainly make it clear why some feel they truly deserve their reputation as the friendliest breed.

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Samoyeds: The Friendliest Breed
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