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K9 Advantix for Dogs

Starting at $51.99


4 Month Supply


Our Competitors' Pricing (Based on 4 month supply)

Product Terrificpets 1-800-PetMeds PetCareRx
K9 Advantix for Dogs up to 10 lbs (Green Box) $51.99 $54.99 $55.99
K9 Advantix for Dogs 11 - 20 lbs (Teal Box) $52.99 $56.99 $57.99
K9 Advantix for Dogs 21 - 55 lbs (Red Box) $53.99 $58.93 $62.99
K9 Advantix for Dogs 56+ lbs (Blue Box) $54.99 $63.49 $64.99


Need to know more about K9 Advantix?

About K9 Advantix      

K9 Advantix® combines imidacloprid and permethrin to repel and kill fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes that may cross your dog's path. Each ingredient begins to affect pests on contact, attacking parasite nerve cells at different sites. When combined, the two compounds overwhelm the parasite's nervous system.1 This leads to rapid paralysis and death of the parasite.

Stops fleas from biting.

K9 Advantix offers proven protection against fleas in multiple stages of development. Imidacloprid, an active ingredient in K9 Advantix, stops biting fleas within three to five minutes and kills them before they lay eggs.2 K9 Advantix also kills flea larvae preventing them from developing into adult fleas, breaking the flea lifecycle in multiple stages.

Prevent ticks from attaching.

K9 Advantix offers proven protection against ticks. It repels and kills ticks before they can attach. With K9 Advantix, ticks are repelled and killed before they can bite, reducing the potential risk of a tick-transmitted disease.

Repels mosquitoes from biting.

K9 Advantix repels and kills mosquitoes before they can bite. Research demonstrates that K9 Advantix kills up to 98.3 percent of mosquitoes and reduces their feeding up to 95.2 percent.3 Mosquitoes that do not bite cannot transmit disease causing organisms, keeping your pet protected.

DO NOT USE ON CATS. Due to their unique physiology and inability to metabolize certain compounds, K9 Advantix must not be used on cats.



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