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The Ibizan Hound's Penchant for High Places

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Tags: Ibizan Hound

Cummings French Bulldogs



Springfield, MO

French Bulldog

There are only a few dog breeds that have a penchant for high places. These are usually dogs that have long limbs and considerable height, and of course, a passion for leaping to great heights. There are many dog owners who would love to see their dogs jump high. If they see this ability in their dogs, they may even train them to do obstacle courses that would require them to use their jumping skills.

One dog breed that has a real penchant for high places is the Ibizan Hound. While this could be greatly attributed to the Ibizan's height and weight, the dog's playful nature and vigor could also be a reason for this. An Ibizan loves to leap to great heights even at standstill, and it has the unusual ability to change direction while in mid-air. Its reach is quite amazing because it can extend vertically, right onto kitchen top counters and even on top of refrigerators. If a fence is not high enough, the Ibizan Hound can easily leap over it.

The Ibizan's love to scale great heights can also be attributed to its hunting instincts. It is quite possible that its jumping ability was developed during its early days as a hunter. Since its primary quarry, the rabbit, can go to high places, it is necessary that the Ibizan has the ability to get to it wherever it goes. With the Ibizan's ability to leap to high places and negotiate rough terrains, it is very difficult for its quarry to escape its grasp.

There are Ibizan owners who try to curb their dog's love for leaping or jumping to high places. They regard these activities as bothersome because they may interfere with daily family living. Imagine having an Ibizan that will jump on a kitchen counter to get some food every time you are not around. There are other owners though, who will try to channel the boundless energy and jumping prowess of their Ibizans into more profitable or enjoyable ventures. They will train their Ibizans to run over high fences to prepare them for some obstacle courses that may win them a prize someday.

The Ibizan Hound's penchant for high places could either be a blessing or a curse to its owner. However, this truly depends on how the owner copes with his dog's energy and abilities. If you are an owner of an Ibizan, it will be best if you can initiate your Ibizan to engage in playful pursuits using its leaping abilities. It will never work if you try to stop your dog from being its natural self. It will only make your dog feel alienated from you, which is not good for your relationship. So if you have an Ibizan, show your love for it by nurturing its abilities as well as its love for high places.

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The Ibizan Hound's Penchant for High Places
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