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Weight Management for American Foxhounds and How to Exercise

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Tags: American Foxhound, Obedience, Health, Exercise

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davie , FL

Yorkshire Terrier

American foxhounds are a breed of dog that has a very high energy or activity level. They can run, go for long walks, play ball, hike through fields, run all day, and still have energy left over. Obedience training is not only a great way to socialize your American foxhound, but is important for an active dog. It gives you control over your pet as many active foxhounds are also very excitable and need to understand commands such as sit, quiet, stay, and down. It is easier to obedience train your American foxhound when he is young so you have the knowledge to properly correct any behavioral problems if they occur. Along with being very active, American foxhounds are also very vocal and have very loud barking or baying. If you live in the country or a rural setting with no close neighbors, your foxhound's barking is not usually a problem, but in an urban setting, it can certainly present a problem. Training your dog so he understands that excessive barking or baying is not acceptable requires obedience training and patience.

Exercising your foxhound calls for more than an occasional stroll around the block to release pent-up energy. He requires vigorous, regular, daily exercise and playtime for releasing energy and keeping your dog from becoming bored and destructive. Taking your foxhound for two or three lengthy walks daily or jogging with your pet is an enjoyable exercise for both you and your dog. Always keep your American foxhound on a lead because most will take off after an interesting scent or sometimes a squirrel, or other animal, forgetting all his obedience training. A large, secure, fenced yard is ideal for lengthily games of fetch, tag, or frisbee. Some people with very active American foxhounds find that getting a second dog provides not only company for their pet but also plenty of activity and exercise. Dog agility training is another great way to burn energy, spend quality time with your foxhound, and have fun. A frequently exercised American foxhound that has enough stimulation to keep from becoming bored is far less likely to become destructive, bark incessantly, or have other problem behaviors. It also helps keep your pet's weight under control as foxhounds do enjoy eating and can become overweight.

Managing an American Foxhound's weight is extremely important because they love to eat and if they receive too much food, treats, the wrong food, or have a poor nutritional diet, they are likely to become overweight. Just like people, if your dog is overweight or obese, he is more susceptible to weight related health problems that could shorten his life. To avoid your foxhound becoming overweight, keep his activity level high, feed him a balanced, nutritional diet, cut back on high fat treats, and resist the urge to share your meals with him.

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Weight Management for American Foxhounds and How to Exercise
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