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Keeping A Single Hound Rather Than A Pack

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Tags: American Foxhound, Socialization, Hunting Dog, Service Dogs

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New Holland, PA

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All hounds are pack breeds and historically American Foxhounds and their relatives the English Foxhounds were only kept in packs of several dogs, often more than 10, that would eat, sleep, play and hunt together. Most dog fanciers and owners today simply don't have the acreage, facilities or even the time to take care of these large numbers of dogs so it is more common for American Foxhounds to now be kept as single dogs within a family.

The greatest problem with keeping a single American Foxhound is that it is very difficult to find a replacement for the need for a pack. There are some strategies that owners can use to ensure that a single hound will be well adjusted and happy as an only dog in the family.

Get A Puppy

It is much harder for a pack type dog to adjust from being one dog in a pack to one dog on his or her own. To help prevent the dog from developing strong bonds within a pack choose a puppy rather than a younger dog or adult that has a history of being in a pack. Keep the puppy entertained, busy, active, and stimulated as much as possible given the time constraints of the real world. The puppy, when kept busy and active, will quickly use its pack behavior to bond with the family that it is highly interactive with. Families that want a dog that just stays out in the yard and don't have much time to spend with the dog or puppy should reconsider getting an American Foxhound.

Make The Dog Feel At Home and Involved

Part of the role of the pack besides socialization is that it keeps the dog active and involved as the family you have to replace the pack functions for the dog. Having someone at home that can interact with the dog, go and play with him or her in the yard, or go for long walks or romps is the ideal situation for a single American Foxhound. The most despondent and potentially destructive behaviors will be seen by mature American Foxhounds that are bored, lack social interaction with their families, and have no opportunity to exercise at appropriate levels. Keeping the dog both mentally and physically stimulated will help replace the role of the pack in the dog's life.

Get The Dog Involved In Tracking Or Hunting Trials

One way to provide a lot of time with other dogs as well as help the dog use his or her natural instincts and boundless energy in a productive way is to complete a tracking or hunting training and start formally or informally working with the dog in trials and competitions. This can be very rewarding for both the owner and the dog and will allow a natural outlet for energy and socialization requirements for the dog, minimizing any anxiety or stress the dog may be feeling as a single pet.

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Keeping A Single Hound Rather Than A Pack
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