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Names and Toys that Fit the American Eskimo Personality

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Tags: American Eskimo, Lifestyle

Teacup Size - Sassy



longview, TX

Yorkshire Terrier

The fun part of choosing an American Eskimo as a pet is deciding on the perfect name. The right name should inspire good energy and establish rapport between the owner and his or her pet. For many, the task is rather easy; for others it can be downright daunting. A name can be based on a physical or personality trait or it can even be the name of a famous movie star. Whether it is the standard Fido or the creative Moonpie Winkerbean, one must always approach choosing a name with caution as it says as much about the owner as it does about the dog.

The white coat of the Eskie is its most notable physical characteristic and is the most common inspiration for names. Because it is relatively small, it is quite appropriate to opt for short or endearing names. Many also tend to give their Eskie names derived from Alaskan or Aleutian native origins. Some examples are: Angel, Frosti, Igloo, Juno, Kayuli, Kenai, Kobuk, Kodi, Nanook, Oomiak, Snowflake, Tundra, or Zamira.

The outgoing personality of the Eskie is a plentiful source for names. Happy, Goofy, Dash, and GoGo are just an example of popular name choices that evoke the Eskie's characteristic high energy and zeal.

Just as fun as picking out names is discovering what toys compliment an Eskie's nature. Just like people, every individual dog is different. Each Eskie will process information based on the characteristics of its own personality and experiences. While one outgoing personality may delight in the noise of its squeaky toy, a more reserved pup may be put off by all the ruckus and instead opt for a simple rawhide chew. The owner that takes time to learn about their Eskie is likely one that does not end up spending hard earned money on fancy dog toys that never get touched.

The first rule of choosing dog toys is to keep it simple. No matter how splendid a toy might seem, the most favorite activity for an Eskie is interaction with its owner. It does not take much more than a simple ball to get this type of activity going. With the Eskie, choosing a toy that incorporates both form and function is a best bet. The Eskie is a breed that needs not only physical activity but mental stimulation as well. Toys such as Kongs are a wonderful option for this breed. A Kong is a type of treat dispenser made of heavy puncture resistant rubber. Once a tasty treat is placed inside, dogs have been known to spend hours trying to get it out. It is a favorite toy among dog owners as it cleans the teeth as well as provides hours of entertainment.

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Names and Toys that Fit the American Eskimo Personality
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