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Banker Horse Weird Facts Did You Know?

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Tags: Banker Horse, Weird Facts

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  • The Banker Horse is native to islands off the coast of North Carolina and are considered a distinct breed due to their unique genetic makeup which is very close to the Spanish breeds that originally were left on the islands. In a recent research project by Gus Kothran, PhD, a researcher with the University of Kentucky, the Banker Horse is a definite breed unto itself, but has fewer genetic differences in the wild herd than any other breed of horses. This proves that they are not simply feral horses that have bred with other horses that have made their way to the off shore islands.

  • The Banker Horse is extremely adaptable and has managed to survive and thrive without any help from humans. The Corolla Herd, which is the largest wild herd still lives in this feral state, but the Ocracoke herd on the island of the same name are managed and cared for by the National Park Service.

  • The Banker Horse lives surrounded by salt water, which is not suitable for drinking. These resourceful horses have learned to paw deep in the sand and allow ground water to fill the holes, providing clean and fresh drinking water whenever needed.

  • Park Rangers that patrol the islands off the coast of North Carolina often ride Banker Horses as they are more environmentally friendly than using four wheel vehicles or ATVs that cause both noise and pollution.

  • The Banker Horse has had several different names throughout its history including the names Marshy Tacky or Sand Pony. They are reported to never become mired in the marsh or sandy bogs that are found over a great portion of the islands and many riders indicate they are the only horses that can traverse much of the land area of the islands.

  • There is now a registry for the Banker Horse managed by the assistance of a government grant. The registry is managed by the Foundation for Shackleford Wild Horses through the American Livestock Breed Conservatory.

  • Shackleford Island near Beaufort, North Caroline has the largest herd of wild Banker Horses, which numbers approximately 100. Other islands off of North Carolina typically have less than 60 Banker Horses within the wild herds.

  • The Corolla Island herd is cared for by a group of private citizens of the island that banded together to form the Corolla Wild Horse Fund. They are responsible to keep the wild horses on a set area of the island and return any wild horses to the area should they wander into the residential or tourist areas that have developed over the last several years on the island.

  • Banker Horses were very important in the development of the agricultural and timber industries in the 1800 and early 1900's. As tractors and mechanization become more common fewer Banker Horses were captured and domesticated and the ones already in captivity were bred with other domestic horse breeds including draft breeds and light horse breeds.

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