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Articles > Keywords > gangliosidosis


Gangliosidosis GM1 and GM2

Sometimes we come across diseases that are breed specific and Ganliosidosis GMI and GM2 are two such diseases. This disease has now been associated with the Korat one of the oldest breeds of cat, originating from Thailand. It is ironic that the Thai name for Korat means good luck when these poor felines are affected by these two, Gangliosidosis GMI and GM2 genetic diseases. Gangliosidosis is one of the lysosomal storage diseases. These diseases are associated with the part of the cell that is responsible for breaking down and recycling vital chemicals needed for brain function and other important activities. There are over 40 diseases which surface in humans because of the malfunctioning lysosome enzymes. In Humans Gangliosidosis is the culprit in Tay Saks Disease. Siamese cats are also affected by this disorder as well as other animal species; dogs, cows and sheep. [...]

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