Liver Amyloidosis
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Articles > Keywords > Liver Amyloidosis

Liver Amyloidosis

Liver Amyloidosis

Veterinarians have long known that Abyssinian cats suffer from Kidney amyloidosis, which runs in families. Recently it has been discovered that amyloidosis also presents itself in the liver of Siamese cats. The liver is the main organ responsible for the absorption and metabolizing of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and soluble foods. It also filters toxins and waste and it also stores vitamins and minerals. The liver performs its function by means of blood. The liver is an amazing organ that is said to effectuate more than a 1,000 different tasks. It continues to function even when it is damaged because each part of the liver performs the same duties. Therefore if one section is no longer functioning the other sections will compensate by working harder to perform its vital life sustaining tasks. [...]

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