PK Deficiency
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Articles > Keywords > PK Deficiency

Pk Deficiency

PK Deficiency

One of the most common clinical disorders in cats is anemia. Anemia is a condition where there are reduced numbers of red bloods cells (erythrocytes) present in the hemoglobin. This condition is quite common in animals. There are many causes for anemia ranging from blood loss, intoxication, infections, immune system disorders, to organ failures all of which represent the key causes of anemia. There are also genetic blood disorders that can cause anemia as well. Erythrocyte pyruvate kinase deficiency is a less frequent but important cause of anemia effecting felines. This deficiency is also present in certain breeds of dogs such as dachshunds, beagles, eskimo dogs, basenjis and highland white terriers. Dogs will expire by the age of four because of contracting the disease, but cats live a normal life span and only periodically contract the disease throughout their lifespan. Unlike dogs they do not suffer from osteosclerosis, or organ failure. [...]

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