Weird Facts
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Weird Facts

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Racking Horse Weird Facts/Did You Know?

[-]The Racking Horse is the official horse of the state of Alabama; it was made official in 1975. The Racking Horses tail has a natural rise to it, unlike most whose are raised by nicking. This breed is particularly known for its "rack," it's a walking pattern that isn't considered a pace or a trot. It is considered this because only one foot hits the ground at a time. Unlike in many horses, this gait is a natural trait; when in other show horses it is artificially embedded with years of training. Racking Horses show this ability even as young colts. It is forbidden by the Racking Horse Breeding Association of America. [...]

Rocky Mountain Horse Weird Facts/Did You Know?

[-]Many Rocky Mountains share the same bloodline with a stallion named "Old Tobe." He fathered many Rocky Mountain Horses until the age of thirty-seven in 1964. When the Rocky Mountain Horse Association was formed in 1986, it has over 10,000 horses registered with the Association. A horse by the name of "Yankee" was the last remaining son of Old Tobe at the time of the development of the registry. The Rocky Mountain Horse Association celebrated their eighteenth anniversary in 2005. [...]

Shetland Pony Weird Facts/Did You Know?

[-]The most common use for Shetland Ponies today is to be ridden by children and adults alike. They can very commonly be seen at public events such as carnivals and fairs; they are also big for being in petting zoos for young children. They are sometimes used in harness driving classes and it isn't unusual for them to be used as therapeutic riding horses. In the United Kingdom, these ponies can be found featured in the Shetland Pony Grand National, mostly running around a racetrack with jockeys. [/-] [...]

Shire Horses Weird Facts/Did You Know?

[-]Shire Horses were actually preferred by knights of King John's time, because of their size and strength, they are the strongest animals in the world besides elephants. The King encouraged their breeding because of the need for heavier armor; they proved to show the most endurance. Today's Shire Horses are direct descendants. After the invention of gunpowder, the population of Shire Horses declined because they were no longer needed to storm castles with these large horses when they could just as easily shoot their enemies. [/-] [...]

Tennessee Walking Horse Weird Facts/Did You Know?

[-]Famous country musician Gene Autry owned a Tennessee Walking Horse named "Champion," as well as other horses that appeared along side him throughout his career that ranged from movies, television, radio and even a comic book series. There was Champion as well as his six other doubles, the original Champion died in 1943 of an apparent heart attack while Gene Autry was off in the service. The second Champion or "Lindy Champion" wasn't famous for appearing on television and radio, but for being the first horse to fly on a plane from Burbank, California to New York. [...]

Thoroughbred Weird Facts/Did You Know?

[-]A Thoroughbred horse by the name of "Sir Barton" is known as the first Triple Crown winner in the United States. He was born in 1916 and started racing at a young age, but was not very successful in the beginning. Later in his career, Sir Barton won competitions like the Preakness Stakes, the Withers Stakes, and the Belmont Stakes. After his racing career was over and much of the public has forgotten about him, he was retired to a stud and had little success there. Eventually, the horse was purchased by the United States Army and used as a workhorse at Fort Robinson, Nebraska. After spending his remaining years on a ranch in Douglas, Wyoming, he died in 1937. [...]

Welsh Pony Weird Facts/Did You Know?

[-]In the days of King Henry, the use of any horse under fifteen hands was strictly prohibited. Thus, horses or ponies, such as the Welsh Pony, were destroyed. Henry was quoted as saying, "the nags of small nature were to be taken care of, and any horse that couldn't carry a soldier and his armor were deemed useless." Fortunately, for the Welsh Pony, this law or rule didn't last long, so the population of the Welsh did not suffer very badly thanks to Queen Elizabeth. Today, the Welsh Pony is well liked by people of royalty. They have also become very popular for every day riding. There is some evidence that points to the Welsh Pony as being the unknown hero, such as being the horse pulling the roman chariots into battle and working in coalmines. [...]

Laekenois Weird Facts Did You Know?

Because it is such a rare breed even in its home country, there are very few who are actually aware there is a fourth Belgian Shepherd such as the Laekenois. When they are seen out and about, their wiry coat is often the first thing that interests people. Unsurprisingly, their familiar shepherd stature and wavy hair often has them mistaken for a type of crossbreed. From their very beginnings, the Laekenois has had its admirers, starting with the King and Queen of Brussels. As the dog was used to herd sheep on royal pastures surrounding their castle, King Leopold and Queen Marie Henriette soon became enamored with the breed. It was then the dog was bestowed with the honor of being named after their estate, Castle Laeken. [...]

Weird facts about the Bernese Mountain Dog

Have you ever wondered what facts there were out there regarding the Bernese mountain dog? Perhaps you own a Bernese and you would simply like to find out more? If so then read on as here you will find some facts about the breed which you may not have otherwise known. [h]What You Should Know[/h] The first fact which you may not know about the Bernese mountain dog is that it does not fully mature until it is 3-4 years old. They are a breed which is incredibly young at heart and they love nothing more than to play and be boisterous. This can make them difficult to handle sometimes and it means that they will need regular training from an early age. [...]

Tibetan Terrier Did You Know?

The Tibetan Terrier is a fairly well known dog and in that there are many unique features to them. These dogs are full of life and energy, though they are likely to copy the lifestyle that you lead. It can be fun to know some of the unique characteristics and interesting facts about the Tibetan Terrier. Here are some that you may want to know. Many wonder why the Tibetan Terrier is actually a terrier. They do not look nor act like them. The English were the first to label dogs terriers and usually this was due to their small size. Today's group of terriers is more formally considered dogs that are used to hunt vermin and do this from the ground. The fact is that the Tibetan Terrier is neither of these. They do not root for vermin nor are they small in size. They just are known as Tibetan terriers! [...]

Giant Schnauzer Weird Facts/Did You Know?

The Giant Schnauzer has many interesting facts that you may not know. He is more than just a bundle of excessive energy! The Giant Schnauzer was called the Munchener for many years. This was later changed as the breed developed. The name of the Giant Schnauzer in German is "Riesenschnauzer". There are many interpretations of this name and its meaning. The literal meaning for the name is divided into two parts. In German, the name "riesen" literally means giant, herculean, monster. The name "schnauzer" literally means walrus mustache. Hence the name "Riesenschnauzer" means giant, herculean monster with a walrus mustache. The Giant Schnauzer closely resembles the other two Schnauzers in appearance only. Each of the three Schnauzers are in fact distinctly different breeds that have been simply developed to look very similar to each other. [...]

Great Pyrenees Weird Facts/Did You Know?

The Great Pyrenees is one of the oldest dog breeds of the canine world. Starting at roughly ninety pounds and moving well past the one hundred pound mark, its relation to the Mastiff explains the breed's large stature. Despite their long history and their massive physique, the breed is actually quite sensitive. They dislike harsh reprimands; and though not physically weak in any way, their sensitive constitution has been known to react fatally to even the smallest doses of anesthesia. Plus, any changes in diet must be made in very small, very slow steps in order to not to upset their ultra susceptible digestive system. As they tend to bond deeply with their original owner, it can take some time for the sensitive Pyr to accept change and bond with a new family. [...]

African Boerboel: Did You Know?

African Boerboels are affectionate dogs that are devoted to every member of their families. While they make excellent protection and guard dogs, Boerboels love nothing more than playing with any member of the family. One of the extraordinary things about the Boerboel is that the dog doesn't choose one member of the family to act as its leader, but will take direction from anyone in the family, if the dog is trained well. While Boerboels will take wonderfully to training, they do require either an experienced hand or a thorough obedience class. The South African Boerboel Breeder's Association was founded in 1983 in order to save the breed as well as set a standard and promote it. Now that the foundation stock for the breed in the dog's native South Africa is closed, the dog is gaining in popularity outside of Africa. [...]

American Spotted Paso Weird Facts Did You Know?

[-]The major goal of the breeders of the American Spotted Paso horse was to incorporate the wonderful coat coloration and patterns of the Tobiano, Sabino and Overo pintos with the smooth and gaited Peruvian Paso horse.[/-] [-]American Spotted Paso's must have at least one parent that is a purebred and registered Peruvian Paso and the foal or horse when registered must exhibit a four beat lateral gait, ideally the llano gait that the Peruvian Paso is famous for. The other parent horse must be of an approved and recognized gaited breed.[/-] [...]

Anglo-Kabarda Horse Weird Facts Did You Know?

[-]The Anglo-Kabarda has been bred specifically to tolerate the cold and somewhat hostile environment of the Caucasus areas of Russia. They are not a stable horse by nature and do best when provided with a large pasture and lots of time to be outside, even in the colder winter weather.[/-] [-]From the Karbarda horse mares the breed has developed an incredible ability to work in very rough, mountainous terrain and is noted to be a very sure footed working horse no matter what the ground conditions may be. Their feet are naturally very hard and they tend to need very little care of their hooves, no doubt an important adaptation in the harsh conditions where they were bred.[/-] [...]

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