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Grooming A Papillon

Alongside their unusually large ears from which they derive their name (the word papillon being French for butterfly), the most visually appealing quality of the Papillon is almost inarguably their general, all around fluffiness. Maintaining this fluffiness is requisite in preserving the breed's reputation as amongst the most cuddly, demands keeping their hair clean, brushed and evenly trimmed.The breed is a favorite of many show trainers and a quick search on the internet or a look through a magazine on the breed will provide so many conflicting philosophies on exactly what the dog should look like that the reader's head will have no choice but to spontaneously combust for overflow of contradictive information. In order to prevent this potential danger, the following will attempt to boil all the available information down to just the important tasks in regards to grooming the Papillon, leaving all of the little details and inconsequential aesthetic choices up to the personal taste of the owner and their Papillon. [...]

Is the Papillon right for you?

Whether or not to adopt any dog, of any breed, is not a decision to be made casually, or without quite a lot of forethought and consideration. Given the appropriate attention to research and assessment of the environment the dog will be introduced to, there's no reason picking up a new addition to the family can't be an immensely rewarding experience. However, if these tasks are neglected, the owner and the dog might have nothing to look forward to but a lot of hassle, headaches and heartache. It's better to take a few hours out prior to adoption to ask questions of the breeder, verify the pedigree, read up on the breed and spend some time with the dog him or herself, than to find out that this is not the right breed for you six months from now and be forced to find a new owner for the dog, return the dog to the breeder you bought them from or, worst of all, you may even have to relinquish ownership to a nearby animal shelter. The following advice should hopefully give the prospective Papillon owner a rough idea of what the breed's unique needs are and an impression of what kind of environment they thrive in. [...]

Finnish Spitz - Cleanliness Lovers

The Finnish Spitz is a medium-sized and rugged dog breed, with a fox-like appearance and set of unique characteristics. The Finnish Spitz originated in Finland and is one of the oldest known breeds, with the breed standards dating back to 1812. [...]

Caring for the Finnish Spitz

The Finnish Spitz is one of the most attractive looking breed of dogs with a beautifully colored and textured coat. It is important that a proper care regimen is followed to keep these dogs in the best condition and free from any health problems. [...]

Why the Old English Sheepdog Is Sometimes Called Bobtail

Docking the tail of dogs has become a controversial topic, though the practice is quite old; indeed, there are even engravings and drawings going back to Assyrian times showing dogs with both docked tails and ears. The original reasons for docking a dog's tail are varied, but most involved trying to avoid the dog's pain while he was working. For example, dogs who spent a great deal of time working in fields could inadvertently pick up things like foxtails and burrs on their tails; these items would cause a great deal amount of pain, possibly distracting the dog from working efficiently. The injuries inflicted by foxtails and burrs were also at a risk for infection, which could lead to health risks in the dog, decreasing his ability to work. Breeds with long coats could become soiled with feces and/or urine and this could lead to insects and infection, again affecting a dog's potential to work. [...]

German Shorthaired Pointer Coat Color

When dog breeders breed a dog, they may have either form or function in mind; in many cases, they have both. Form relates to the outward appearance of the dog and includes how pretty or handsome he is, while function is all about how well a dog is built to perform a specific, or general for that matter, task. Some breeders heavily stress form, though these breeders are usually thinking of their dogs being used mainly in conformation events, while the majority of breeders first get the function part of a dog down and then move on to the dog's appearance. In the history of the German Shorthaired Pointer, there have been numerous debates regarding the form and function of the dog, which have also included its coat. [...]

The Old English Sheepdog and Heatstroke

The Old English Sheepdog may also suffer from conditions that are not genetic; one of these conditions is heatstroke, which can be common in dogs that have dense, profuse coats, especially if they live in areas where the temperatures get high. Dogs that engage in strenuous activity are at an especially high risk for heat stroke; while older dogs might naturally calm down on hot days, puppies must be looked after because they will have a tendency to play heartily, regardless of temperature.If your dog spends a great deal of time outdoors, heatstroke is a serious concern. You should provide ample amounts of shade, water for drinking, and possibly some kind of container large enough in which the dog can wade and cool off his entire body. The best thing to do is make sure your dog stays indoors, in the air conditioning, as much as possible. [...]

Living with an Old English Sheepdog

The overwhelming opinion of most dog fanciers is that Old English Sheepdogs make wonderful companions. They love to be with their humans, curling up on the couch or taking a walk; they are full of energy but are not obnoxious. They are very intelligent and easily trained, but they have a strong will so they keep you on your toes. As with any breed, if you properly research the needs and temperament of the Old English Sheepdog and know what you're getting yourself into, living with this big teddy bear can be quite a positive experience. [...]

The Myths of Owning a Neapolitan Mastiff

With males reaching up to one hundred seventy pounds, the Neapolitan Mastiff is definitely one of the largest breeds in the canine world. Their sizeable physique is often mesmerizing, leaving many to wonder exactly what goes into owning such a creature. Unfortunately, its size can also lead to many misconceptions. Those who know a bit about the dog's history may assume that the Neo is purely aggressive or that they have a penchant for being destructive or unapproachable. As many have come to find, getting to know a Neo easily blows any and all preconceptions right out of the water. [...]

Is The Kerry Blue Terrier Recommended For the First Time Dog Owner?

Many times when people get a dog, they will choose that particular one because it looks cute or for some other reason. However, for every dog a person gets, there is a reason.Most often when people get a Kerry Blue Terrier it is either for a work dog, or a show dog. However, there are people that get a Kerry Blue Terrier for a companion. No matter what the reasoning is, it will still need to be cared and loved for, and that is what matters.One of the many things that people find out about the Kerry Blue Terrier once they get one is how hard some of them can be. By that, they will learn by investigating them that they may be a troublesome breed of dog. However, a lot of this mostly depends on how they are raised. In fact, most of the people that are new at getting a dog have no problems loving the dog, and that is one thing that the Kerry Blue Terrier needs, to be shown that he/she is part of the family. [...]

The Kerry Blue Terrier and Setting Their Ears

Most often when people start setting the ears of their Kerry Blue Terriers, they are at a young age. Usually, the dogs will have their ears set at about 12 weeks or older; however, it may depend on the owner.There are many ways of setting a Kerry Blue Terrier's ear, including taking it to a professional. If you are not anywhere near a professional or don't have the money for it, here are some simple steps you can follow. When setting the ears, many breeders are now using Jiffy Sew for the glue/paste. [...]

The Kerry Blue Terrier and Their High Maintenance Coat

Many times when people choose to get a dog, they only think about the companionship and the fun that they will have with the dog. However, very few people think about the dog's coat, which for many people is not good.When it comes to the coat of the Kerry Blue Terrier, many people think that it is the coat of an average dog; however, that is not the case. In fact, once people find out that it is not an average dog coat, they do not get a Kerry Blue Terrier. In the rating from low to high, the Kerry Blue Terriers coat is considered to be high for maintenance. However, a lot depends on how much time and money a person wants to spend on a dog. [...]

The Italian Greyhound and Teeth Problems

The Italian Greyhound is a dog that has relatively good health without any real major health problems. The one health issue that this dog does have is with their teeth. Dental problems are the one health issue that affects the Italian Greyhound the most. Many people don't realize how important it is to keep their dog's teeth clean. Many vets feel that failure to properly care for the teeth of the Italian Greyhound can shorten their life span as well as cause infections. [...]

The Needs and Requirements of the Laekenois

Having a Laekenois in the house means having a dog around that is loyal, gravitates to activity and offers an extra set of eyes that never miss a thing. Their intelligence and independence makes them a good match for those who prefer a dog that can provide a partnership rather than a dependency. However, with an intelligent breed in the house it is important to make sure the Laekenois keeps not only their bodies exercised but their minds as well. The Laekenois is one that enjoys keeping busy and having treat dispensing Kongs and plenty of chew toys ensures owners their shoes and other valuables stay safe. [...]

How to Care For Your Giant Schnauzer

There are a few things you should know about caring for your Giant Schnauzer. After all, knowledge is power and you will need all of that with this dog and then some!The Giant Schnauzer has a wiry and stiff coat that produces very little shedding. He does not produce a doggie odor. However, he will need to be frequently groomed. This will help to keep his coat free of mats and tangles. You should use a wire brush that is short every week. He will need his whiskers to be cleaned after meals to ensure that the food debris are removed. The hair around his ears and eyes should be kept trimmed and short. He should be professionally trimmed all over at least four times per year. This will serve as a proactive measure to keep the mats down and tangles in check. [...]

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