Staphylococcus intermedius
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Staphylococcus Intermedius

Staphylococcus Intermedius: A Nasty Skin Bacteria

Skin infections in dogs, known as pyoderma, are usually caused by a type of normal skin bacteria known as staphylococcus intermedius. This bacteria is always present on the skin and the mucous membranes but in some cases it becomes rampant on the skin and leads to severe infections. Often these conditions include an immune related disease in the dog, malnutrition, injury or trauma or other change in the dog's environment or diet that causes the dog to become stressed.There are several different types of pyoderma that can be found on a dog. They are categorized by the level of tissues they involve and range from the surface infections known as surface pyodermas to the very deep infections that can be caused by excessive scratching and biting of the infected area. They are also determined to be primary, or the cause of the infection, or secondary, the result of some other condition or wound that then allowed the bacteria access to the dog's skin. [...]

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