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Fibrosarcoma: A Rare Bone Cancer In Older Male Dogs

Fibrosarcoma is a relatively rare kind of cancerous tumor that develops in the connective tissues and bones of the skeleton. It is most commonly seen in the pelvic area, the spine, skull, and the ribs but can occur in any bone and connective tissue throughout the body. Younger dogs can sometimes develop a very rare type of fibrosarcoma in the mouth and this is more common than the skeletal fibrosarcoma.Fibrosarcoma in the mouth is often first misdiagnosed as a dental health problem since it is associated with swollen and bleeding gums and lumps along the jaws, under the tongue or towards the back of the mouth. Usually vets will treat these with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs first, then if they do not respond they perform x-rays of the area and check for tumors. [...]

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